Okay, but what happens if the enemy still has resolve at the end of the enemy actions? Do the players automatically lose?
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Hi, I've got a question about the rules. It says each player takes 2 actions, then the opponents take a turn. The challenge level dictates the number of actions an opponent takes, being 2d6+2 increasing.
So if I have 4 players, each of them takes 2 actions then the enemy will take somewhere between 3 and 14 actions before the players go again?
Hey, I think a recent change in the new version is throwing off my joystick setup. I have two controllers I configure separately, a throttle and joystick. They work perfectly fine, and there were no issues before I switched to 1.3.2. Now whenever I get put on the title screen and press "A" to go to the main menu, the two controllers get auto assigned and one of the two I have assigned gets reassigned to player 2, who doesn't exist. Is there a way to stop this? It is incredibly annoying to have to keep going into the menus to fix this every time I leave a game mode.