Balance lies in trash and cries. Ship designs are either so weak you can abuse and farm them no matter how far from the start point you are or you have no chances at all. And what is whit the special weapons abuse? Dont know why the damage is so rare? Because its overpowered. Yet the fake dificulty of this mod gives no real challenge. I myself simply got into the code and decided to chenge damage types a bit. And guess what? It did not help. So i simply thrown out all overpowered weapons and checked the code. It is a mess.
Enemies and factions sticked together into a abomination of something that just does not work or fit together as if like the mod states a bunch of people decided "hey lets throw our ideas into one trashcan and see if players like it. No. No one likes fake difficulty set by enemies getting op loadouts or 200 special slots. This mod is the best example of: If you dont know how to make something then dont touch it.
The ton of faction is a mess done by literally tossing anything, From content from websites to literally accesories. Pixels worth of art or even circless made in pain. This mod is in no way polished or even near being good. All factions not included in the storyline are either op or so weak i simply use a merchant with masking and drones the mod offers. Maybe tone down on your weapon spam or giving enemy the ability to stay out of your range and not be reached without 5 range mods? You know they will simply circle around without doing anything and youre forced to give up because they will not move an inch closer?
Beating this mod is not in any way hard. Just annoying. You managed not to make a challenging mod for experts but a edgy anime based comedy with so many holes, bugs and straight up unfair designs(giving a enemy above 90% resistance and allowing him to show up in random encounters does not give a "challende". The resistances are used to tone down the incoming damage not completely negate it. For this is made the fort. module that costs you energy to use making it this way balanced.). I had send this mod to my friends and some of them play the game for years like me and straight up refusd to play it after seeing the "balance changes" saying it is "hot garbage".
The drones are op, some ship designs are basically a wet dream of someone with edginess problems, others straight up dont make sense and the weirdest thing i still cannot understand is why every moded weapon deals so much a full armored harbour cant take more than one shot from a frigate.
And now explain why everythng is so messed up? Including the code, designs, fake difficulty and amount of loopholes? Got through the aviable part 3 times and still cannot uderstand what the plan behind it was not i have any idea where the story is heading because of the game overcensoring it.
(The misspells are due to a disabillity that rally messes up with my writting and im not going to bother to fix them so please dont spam "you made a misspel. I know i just dont care enough to fix it as it happens really often. Also toxic comments will be ignored completely)