Hi! I'd like to ask people to play with a demo version of Lumini Zen puzzle game. Lumini Zen is a fairly simple and a relaxing game. You fill in a level with a tetris-like shapes thus lighting up flashbulbs of a level.
A few game screenshots:
If you would like to help with a gametest please join game's Discord server: https://discord.gg/nr3MQUmbvB
#bug-reports is a proposed channel to discuss anything weird, broken or buggy concerning the application.
Game demo is available as a portable Windows (x86, x64), Linux (x86, x64) and MacOS installation. The Lumini Zen itch.io page is in a restricted mode currently. So to get a download key please check #bug-reports > Pinned messages on Discord.
Any help with improving game translations would be much appreciated too. We will use #translations Discord channel for that purpose.
Thanks for your time!