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"Voices Of The Void" Pre-Alpha

Gather unknown signals from deep, silent space · By mrdrnose

Voices of the Void 0.8.2 Bug Reports Sticky

A topic by mrdrnose created 37 days ago Views: 15,404 Replies: 225
Viewing posts 1 to 117

Report the bugs you find in 0.8.2 build
Include as much info you can gather so that i can fix stuff more efficiently

Or you can use the form:


Whenever i open the game the main menu is pixelated and when i start the tutorial it's just a black screen. I mean no hate btw, just a problem i have.

(2 edits) (+3)

Q: All my settings are at 0; Quality is super pixelated; Completely black\gray screen

A: Go to Settings>Game and click "Regenerate data.sav" button


thank you

(1 edit) (+22)

"scr" command doesn't work. It still prevents you from typing J and K into the console but neither of them scroll up or down.

When toggling between snow mode and regular mode with a keybind it has a chance to "remove" the safe that contains the AI module.

you can work around this for now by making a new save file, mailboxing yourself a hook/diving gear/hacksaw/whatever else would help you retrieve/open the safe, and mailboxing yourself back the contents of the safe & materials used to open it. (mailbox is cross-save persistent storage)

After updating to the new version, even after resetting a save, the signal finder (where you ping signals) is just a black screen.


try regenerating in settings.

If you put a TV or radio in an open container, you can only get them by turning the open container over or picking them up, but if you then place them somewhere using the alt+r keyboard shortcut, they will be impossible to move again

pa0082_0012 wont boot in my machine. Low level fatal error 198. Version pa08_0017 runs absolutely fine. Updated my graphics drivers  and increased my TDR delay. The game is installed to my desktop as well. Did I miss something important in the installation process?


It "snows" inside the base too, absolutely immersion breaking


YIPPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! IM FINNA ACT UP. I FCNNN love this game. im gonna kiss the dev on the lips for making an absolute master peice. mrdrnose... you are an artist. 

Tear out the last page of the notepad, then try to use the notepad as if it still has pages to write in. The mouse no longer turns the character and you can't do anything, not even hit escape to pause or back out of whatever invisible menu you've found yourself in. The only thing to do is tab out and force shut down the game. Hope you saved or hit an autosave recently.

What version are you playing?

(1 edit)

Pre-alpha 0.8.1

Edit: Oh, didn't realize there was an update a day ago. I'll have to take care of that and see if it's still there.

You weren't even on the latest version of 0.8.1 either, that was already fixed in it even before 0.8.2

What are you talking about? 0.8.1 is the version right before 0.8.2 and was released 81 days ago. I've only known about this game for like a week.

Updates recently have had "test versions" before their actual release, to fix bugs and have community feedback on features. You had downloaded a test version of 0.8.1 prior to it fully releasing.

In that case would it have said "test" in the version number? Because there was nothing like that before I updated just now.


It should say it is a test on the page, but the actual file name and version number in-game looks like any other normal version.

Spamming the "up arrow" icon in the "Upgrades" tab of the PC to buy an upgrade may buy an update for which you don't have sufficient points, leaving you with negative points.

You don't have to spam it. It seems if you have maybe at least half the points the upgrade requires, you can buy it anyway.


crashes after after playing for around an hour maybe less where I get the error "lowLevelFatalError [file:unknown] [line: 198] Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG')

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у меня таже ошибка

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Edit: Just realized why. There even is a help page about it. Might be useful to change the big "paused" text when the game can't (or won't) actually pause

Pause menu doesn't actually pause the game. Had to leave the computer, so i paused but i kept hearing the sound of (no spoilers) "someone" knocking me out. When i came back, i was able to look around and move while i was in the pause menu

(3 edits)

У меня какая то проблема с мышкой, в меню она работает, но при заходе в игру перестает работать, то есть голова я могу крутить, но кликать - нет, естестственно, сервер чинить тоже не могу, при нажатии "Escape" тоже ничего не могу нажмите, даже в меню выхода, просто не нажимается 

Добавление: оказывается мышка работает, но область нажатия кнопок почему-то сместилась вниз, то есть, чтобы выйти в те же настройки из игры, мне нужно нажать на самый низ экрана, а не на кнопку настроек


Попробуй изменить разрешение игры


Уже делала,так же попробовала настроить чувствительность мыши,не сработало;(


Именно твоя проблема решается изменением разрешения игры, надо просто потыкать и найти правильное. Посмотри справку в самой игре, решение проблемы там описывается


Да,после нескольких неудачных попыток и перезаходов помогло,я просто немного идиот, который не заметил все и сразу 

Нет изображения на мониторе связанным с поиском сигналов 

Та же проблема, будто грязь, но не смывается

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тоже самое, причем в обучении все нормально

IDK why or how but my game updated the interact menu and its broken cuz you cant find signals with this menu because it cant interact with polarity and frequency like its supposed to.

Another problem is well if i load the save and move immideatly it crashes, soo to play i have to wait a 1 or 2 to actually play.

(also new interact menu is bad its super uncomfortable pls add a feature to change it to the old one)


There isn't a new interact menu? What do you mean?

You might've accidentally enabled the Radial menu in the experimental settings in options. That thing does suck.

Kerfur falls down stairs and drives in circles around satellite dishes
Kerfur sways from side to side and cannot go straight.


Try turning him off and back on or maybe just reloading. Sometimes kerfur goes crazy jumping around and spinning and is uncontrollable. Apparently it's when he gets wet. 

My Kerfur didn't get wet, didn't walk in circles, and didn't go crazy. I turned Kerfur on and off and re-entered the game many times, but nothing changed. I released it from the base to fix the servers, but Kerfur wobbled from side to side even when it was in the base.

Deleted 24 days ago

При отправке ящиков с дисками новая жёлтая модель заменяется старой моделью коробки сразу при вызове дрона.

So, i can't charge kerfus, help ;-;


Release grab of the power plug on top of the socket, if it's close enough it will snap to it and start charging.

Solar Mode doesn't have the bad sun on day 1, only first happening on day 2.

Additionally, killer wisps don't seem to spawn in solar anymore either, at least not in the first couple days.

If I'm not mistaken, this was the case in previous versions. I thought it was done this way so that the player could prepare for extreme conditions.

I swear I can remember it happening on day 1 before on an older version.

почти вся панель управления какбудто криво собрана, клавиатуры застряли друг в друге, многие кнопки сьехали и наполовину слились воедино, а экран с поисками сигналов не работает в сюжетной игре, но в обучении работает. 

также у меня на дне озера тупо не спавнится сейф с омега ИИ внутри, вот кирка есть а его нет. 

Такое может произойти, если запустить сохранение с прошлых версий. Тут говорят, что старый стол можно съесть. А вот сейф - увы. Вариант - создать новое сохранение и достать его там, после чего перекинуть на основное сохранение.

спасибо, оч помогло но, проще было новое созранение создать и туда вещи перекинуть, собственно так и сделал а теперь чет не получается скрафтить фурфура-керфура... либо я недалекий либо крафт не тот

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- Satellites targeting "rogue" signals on their own
(this might be a recurring event, if so - this really needs to be telegraphed better) 
Satellites will occasionally target a random signal that was not manually pinged. Happened 3 times now; first time it was while I was outside the base investigating a radar blip on the closest bridge, shortly after finding a bone I noticed the dishes adjusting themselves on their own. Second time it was when I was sleeping, dishes started moving on their own. And the third time it was during pinging, the signal source returned a signal error message, but dishes started moving on their own. In all 3 scenarios, once the dishes finished adjusting, it gave me a random signal with 100% completed detector status. Once decoded, these signals are just the regular white noise.

- Base window dirt texture is not blurred in Velma mode

The first one is an an event, but I have never heard of it actually pinging signal on it's own before.

I was wondering if there are any new language added but I found brand new language which is called "Екраїнська"... I think it has to be called "Українська"

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Am I tripping or now in dreams I can fly(swim)?


В некоторых местах между деревьями и невидимой стеной если застрять в углу коллайдера дерева и стены и спамить CTRL, то игрок будет залезать наверх

You can also climb certain trees as well as basically all the cliffs on the map if your crouching and spam the climb action. I use this pretty often and basically never drive the atv anymore. lol I thought it might be intended but your videos are definitely more like glitches.


Коробка для дисков при отправке меняет модельку на старую версию


На Kilo немного фундамент не до конца

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I might be missing something because I’m still fairly new to computers, but the numbers for stamina, food, flashlight battery and credits are cut off on my screen. I’ve tried changing the resolution in game video settings but it doesn’t seem to help. Idk if I’m just picking the wrong setting because idk what my monitor resolution is but it seems like I’ve tried every resolution settings available and it just stays fullscreen without changing anything with the screen or my ability to see the numbers. 
Also not sure if this helps but when I screen share on discord my buddy says he can see all the numbers fine.

Please excuse my ignorance in computers 😅

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Are you pressing apply when changing the resolution? Also if you don't know what your screen resolution is then you can find it (on Windows) by going to settings, then click "system" then "display" and then "advanced display" then your resolution should be shown although if your friend could see it when screen sharing it sounds like resolution might not be the problem but i'm not 100% sure how screen sharing works.

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The garage on the base doesn't fully close anymore. i think i remember it used to close completely on the old base and i saw it didn't close fully anymore a while back (there is a small gap between the garage door and the cement floor) but never mentioned it. It may be on purpose as it could give certain entities ways to get into your base or whatever, this could also be another reason to get rid of the hole in the ceiling of the garage. But i wasn't sure if anyone else realized this.


the small gap between the garadge door and the floor is intentional, the gap should be only a few pixels high 

I usually play the game with no problem. But sometimes when i start the game, the screen freezes until i alt+tab. Then when i switch back to the game it freezes again. So basically i cant play the game until my luck lets me to.

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При сборе хэш кодов, Керфур-о застревает в реке. Задание: Yankee; Whiskey; Juliett. Керфур идёт по маршруту J - W - Y и застревает в реке по пути от W к Y. При попытке ручного управления начинает маршрут заново.


The wind turbine nacelles do not cast shadows at a distance, their shadows appear and work properly when you are closer to one.

The game won't even start up. It just says "Fatal Error" after a few seconds of a black screen. I have a GTX 1080 on Windows 10. Not sure what other info I can give. I didn't see an error log or anything.

Make a .txt file and paste what is on your clipboard into it, it should have automatically added info on why the game crashed there.

Fatal error!

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000000

0x00007ff61d588159 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61d58dc11 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61d593cdb VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61d8ccbdf VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61d8ba5a6 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61d8dbd8b VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61d8ccbdf VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61d8ccade VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61d769e59 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61d8cc9a5 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61ed3bf0b VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61ed2772c VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61ed2a940 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61f406b5e VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61efb1161 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61f3e499e VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61f3a1b15 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61f38cb16 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61efc4c3d VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61ccda0d4 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61cce158d VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61cce16ca VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61cce2e14 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61cceba54 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff61fdb9d6e VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ffca2ec7374 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ffca3bdcc91 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

Anyone have any ideas? I've tried everything I can think of and even downloaded an older version and its the same thing. Sucks cuz I was really looking forward to checking this out. :(


Make sure you extract all files from the archive. If you use the app, I recommend trying without it.

i think you might have accedentaly deleted the txt file named "Manifest_NonUFSFiles_Win64.txt" or you have injected the ddl incorrectly or have another program dissabling the game engine check your antivirus (this also happend to me a few times just unblock it and it should be fine)


I am sure you are aware of this issue, but I wanted to report it still. Kerfur keeps getting stuck on terrain. Probably cuz of the update. I'd be happy if something was done about his pathfinding. Maybe make him stick to the roads more or something. Thanks!


I might be wrong but it almost feels like Kerfur is kind of supposed to be a little janky considering how much better he used to work. Being only 500 points, you can get him within literally 10 minutes of starting the game if you know what you're doing. Whenever he gets stuck on the terrain just take control of him using the computer by pushing the green arrow key on the kerfus cam then use the slider bars on the sides of the camera view to move him (the bar on the right is speed and the bottom bar is steering) . If he's REALLY hard to control even when moving slow then he might be "glitched". Afaik this is an in-game mechanic that makes Kerfus act extra derpy when he gets wet. Supposedly resetting him should fix this but another person posted that he was not getting any better even after resetting and they were also certain their kerfur had never gotten wet, though he often drives through rivers on his repairs.


You might be right, and that does make sense. But in that case I wish: A) There was something about it in the patch notes; B) I wish there was more expensive version or way to upgrade Kerfur outside of the Omega, to make him a little less useless. Now that Omega upgrade is quite tought to achieve, I think it's fair to want to make regular one suck less. Still, thanks for the reply.

(1 edit) (+2)

You cannot adjust polarity or frequency if you have the radial action menu equipped. It also treats various computer related functions as if they're objects. Some examples are changing the polarity direction, importing/exporting a signal from a drive, using the astro-processing-unit, changing max computing level, and deleting/upgrading signals.


Kerfur doesn't work well. The pathing on some ground blocks kerfur from getting to some satellites to repair them. They just keep bouncing off the ground 

(1 edit) (+4)

kerfur omega, on the way to the server xray drowns in the river and can't move, you have to go and help, he doesn't want to walk on land and constantly walks along the bottom of the river (gets stuck near the 2nd bridge after the gate)

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When I open any menu in game, the mouse if offset so severely that it's impossible to navigate.
Edit: Fixed it. The resolution was wrong, and it miss aligned the cursor.

My app says the version is up to date but when I open the game it's still on version 0.8.1 

it opened to the 0.8.2 version once i think but it won't do it again.


Don't use the app. This game is not intended to be used with the app.


Kerfur and Kerfur-O both get stick in the river and are made mostly useless due to this. Really annoying after doing the new recipe for Kerfur-O.

(1 edit) (+1)

Turn on snow mode, the ice seems to have messed up pathfinding for the river when snow mode is off.

(1 edit)

Radial action menu doesn't work with the new workstation.

Kel jumpscares staring if you look up while crouching or when climbing a ladder.

Discbox swaps model to the old one when sending a drone.

Rain goes through the base roof (but doesn't go through the roof of the forest cabin, so its collision box can be copipasted to the base).

The kitchen knife can't lay still on the table, but it can on the floor.



The visible playermodel is effectively a placeholder right now until we get proper animations and a fixed one.

The current drive box model is temporary until the next update gives it a real model, this is probably just a small oversight that doesn't really matter.

"Unfixable at this time".

Not sure what you mean by that.

>Not sure what you mean by that.

Knife is jumping while on table with clanking sound. I think it's blade collision box need to be scaled or smthn.

Yeah now I understand, smaller but complex(?) object collisions seems to behave erratically sometimes, especially when on another prop.


Holy shit I'm not the only person in the game to use the radial action menu?!

Странный баг: во время события закончилась стамина, упал на пол, и камера вышвырнула меня за спину игровой модели. 

Что обычный Керфур что Керфур-О при пробегании определённых маршрутов бегут вместо моста в сторону воды и в итоге застревают там. Вчера не смог выполнить хеш коды потому что Керфур-О застрял.

При ручном управлении его программа сбивается и он начинает бегать по сателайтам снова.

Включи зиму. По всей видимости, сейчас маршруты керфуров сбиты из-за этого режима и они думают, что река замёрзшая даже летом.

We are loving this game! We just had our first bad sun event, and when we walked outside it forced us to look at it but nothing else would happen. We would have to look straight down or our camera would be dragged to stare at the sun. I'm not sure if that is a normal event or if damage was supposed to occur and didn't, I just wanted to let it be known! We are using the latest version that was uploaded 11 days ago

Bad Sun is a bit buggy, sometimes it just stops damaging you or has other weird unintentional effects.

"Oven repair" is a global achievement; if you repair the oven in one save, you won't get the reward if you repair it in another save.
This seems unintentional, considering both "Clean toilet" and "Clean sink" are per-save advancements.

how do you even fix the oven i have tried for so long and can't get it to work

You need a screwdriver and a wrench, which you can find on the workbench in the garage.

  1. Hold your screwdriver and interact with the oven.
  2. Click on all the screws to unscrew them and remove the cover.
  3. Back out and put the screwdriver away; you need to do the next step empty-handed.
  4. Interact with the oven again and rewire it.
    1. Click on a red output pin to select it.
    2. Click on a blue input pin to connect it to the currently selected output pin.
    3. If you hear a sparking sound, try again - that's not the correct output pin.
    4. Do this for every pair of pins.
  5. Once all the pins are connected, back out again.
  6. Hold your wrench and interact with the oven again.
  7. Click on every input pin.

OOOOOHHHHH THANK YOU i always have my sound on low so i never heard any clicking thank you so much

I've bought Kerfur, only for it to dash somewhere never to be seen again. After remembering about him, I checked his camera - he was stuck somewhere underwater. I couldn't get him out using camera controls of the what I assumed to be river, as he couldn't climb up underwater ground. I tried searching for him, but never found him. I noticed on the radar that there was something in the river on the edge of the map, but still couldn't find him. After I returned, I noticed that the blimp on the radar is no longer there.

Brand new Kerfur proceeded to drown himself, with his body never found :(

Another bug, is when I had a "work" nightmare (with table, boxes, cans, etc) when I stood against a moving wall, it threw me out of the map. Then I instantly died when the nightmare was over.

i am not entirely sure if that might be a bug but i notices the rep.debug command not working anymore and the solar mode being broken apparently (started new file and the sun was normal and not a bad sun)

(1 edit)

It is "debug rep" now, to match the other debug commands.
The sun is normal for the first day, seems to be one of the Many solar mode bugs.

"Virus" signal has no effects on the 0.8.2 consoles. The effects of downloading it still properly happen, but none of the screens display the ASCII skull or emit the sounds.

It looks like you can insert 2 drives into the upgrade thing. The first drive was level 1 i think, and i accidentally inserted a second drive into the machine, which made it look like there is only one drive, but with yellow color(usually blue). Its not anything critical, as i can just remove them both from the machine (even though a little bit buggy), but wanted to note this out!


This can happen due to an old bug when this exact slot can't decide whether it has a drive in it or not (you might have noticed how you can't save a signal on an inserted drive after processing). Also, drives with a copy of a signals have these yellow lights (you can make a copy by saving a signal on a computer). Not sure why this happens, but it's harmless

Anything new about the broken target command?

What broken target command?

In 8.2 command doesn’t work properly, no matter what you try to target it leads to a spot near the base entry (probably 0;0 coordinates) and it won’t reset

Update your game, you aren't actually on the latest version.

if you mean the "" command then it's fixed in newest version. 

oh thanks missed it

(2 edits)

You can actually use the radar to ping things now. If you interact with it you can use WASD to move the cursor and then press enter on a location or entity and it will set the compass to target it.

I seem to have a very strange bug or two. I think it happens when I unpack a new version of the game, #1, when I play a new update, I launch it from the folder I unpacked it from, play a few days in-game (for this one save, it's day 5) I then save, quit the game to go to bed or something, next day and onwards, it opens from the client, the save is gone and I start the new update from day 1 again, from there it does save properly, and currently it is day 15, it seems I have 2 versions of the same build, if one is launched from, it seems to be the one where I have progressed the most (which has two 0.8.1 build saves in there too which don't seem to have a date for when it was created, saying 0001.01.01-00.00) , if I launch it via the folder it is in (For me, it is C:\Users\(MyUsername)\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\votv\pa0082_0012\pa0082_0012\WindowsNoEditor that is where the .exe is for the game) it will have the previous save that I first created (and there seems to be a 0.8.1 build save in there as well as a 0.7.0 build too, both are also dated 0001.01.01-00.00),  I figured this out today while trying to run the game as an admin, doing so opens the game without my most recent save (the Day 5 save), while opening it via (anytime after I reopen the game a 2nd time after a new update and then) will bring me to my most recent save and doesn't seem to have an option to run as admin, I figured this all out solely to try and get some textures to work for custom rugs, pictures, posters and videos for the TV. I don't want to delete and uninstall everything just to try and get an absolutely clean reinstall, as I seem to have lost my day 45 save somehow,  (either that or it's on the outdated 0.8.1 build of the game) so.... if anyone can understand whatever is happening with me right now, I'll gladly accept some help, if I have to stick with it as it is and not be able to use or view the custom stuff, that's ok, but I was looking forward to try and get some custom stuff working. Any help is appreciated, if I can find where the most recent version of the game (the one where my saves are still there, as both seem, to say "Pre-Alpha 0.8.2") and move them to the same place to where they need to be to work properly, run as admin correctly and show all my save files in one place, then I will be pretty happy.


I haven't used this app, but many people talk about its poor performance, so they advise not to launch games through the app, but to launch them directly from the folder

Oh, ok, Is there a way to move saves around though?  If this works then I may do this to avoid losing my progress

(1 edit)

If it's any help, I found the folder with the older (original) saves with little progress, so I just need to find the folder with the newer saves in them (and possibly the version of the game that opens with them) and see if I can move things around (probably into the original folder) to get them all to show up and work, as opening the .exe file directly seems to only load the older and less progressed save files, opening it through the client app gives me the more recent and more progressed saves.

Edit: running the game as an administrator also only gives me the version with the older saves, less progressed saves, it's like there's a secret folder with the higher progressed saves somewhere on the computer that I cannot find, another thing I have noticed is that sandbox is greyed out and that Solar isn't an option on there, despite it being 0.8.2 also, it keeps saying the file directory is in the same place but I cannot see how that is possible when opening it in two different ways gives two different possibilities on the menu while it remains as the same 0.8.2 build.... it is insanely confusing to me.

Check this way: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\VotV\Saved\SaveGames

I can't say where the application saves.


funny thing: you can't burry the shovel, but rake can be buried

hi there! for some reason, after a signal is downloaded, i am unable to save it and send it to the next screen and listen to it. it simply does not display in the list! am i doing it wrong or is something broken?

(1 edit) (+1)

Is the save button lit up green? If not then the signal isn't done downloading. The signal needs to be fully downloaded and detected. The download percent is below your energy consumption and the detected percent is in the video/picture of the object you scanned. If you have updated one more than the other they can finish at different times. I do also recall a glitch i've had where my downloading console stopped working and i had to reload.


When kerfer has to go across the river, instead of going down the bridge normally, she tries to go across on the outer edge of the bridge so she falls in the river and gets stuck

(3 edits)

softlock bug: Rozital Scouts on day 33 do not leave, it passed more than in-game day and they are still there, iam unable to sleep or do anything basically because of them, tried to reload the save 5 times, they bug every time, they just stand around base and dont go anywhere else

possible solution: to activate winter mode, then the one who gets trapped in water do leave, btw that one rozital also is trapped in same placed where kerfus and kerfus-0 is stuck underwater

(1 edit)

Ice getting proper pathfinding seems to have unintentionally broken the river pathfinding in the process.

Hello! when running the game in my monitors native 1440p res certain light sources most notably the over head ceiling lights in the main room of the base flicker. 

The only solution i was able to find was running the game at 1080p res. Has anyone encountered this? is there as setting i can change to stop this other than resetting the res to 1080.

I want to run it at 1440p so i have an easier time alt tabbing between programs while using thew game. Also the issue doesn't seem to show up when recording on OBS if that helps diagnose the issue.

What do you mean they flicker? If you mean they just go dark for a split second occasionally, that is intentional.

No its not intentional I'm pretty sure. It also happens outside too. Below is a link where i ride the ATV all the while the light flickers, however as said b4 OBS doesn't capture it at the end is camera footage of it happening to prove I'm not crazy

No idea what it could be then, haven't seen this before.

LOL I just figured it out. If anyone has a similar issue make sure HDR is enabled in your display settings and in game. This fixed the issue for me.

I know the radio is obsolete, but if you put it in a scrap box or an item with a name on it (open container), the radio will just attach to it like chewing gum, and then if you pick up the radio and throw it away, it will just livitirate where you threw it, unable to pick it up or take it to inventory, but the radio itself will work.


You have to scoop the radio with the scrap box. when you put an item in an open container they "fuse" together and it can be glitchy if you pick the item up out of the box. One way to prevent this is to pour the scrap box out instead of picking things up out of it.


when doing hash codes, kerfur omega seems to consistently get stuck in a random part of the river when trying to get to Xray, attempting to correct him by moving him manually causes him to reset his entire route, making an endless loop of him getting stuck

Same happens with regular Kerfur, it seems like it uses snow mode pathfinding and thinks that rivers are frozen. When using either Kerfurs, enable winter mode (very bottom of Keybinds menu)

Sitting on something (chair, sofa) then pressing the wake up button (Esc) would not wake you up until you stop sitting (in my case standing up chairs/ATV is binded to Q, so if I'm sit-sleeping I need to press Q then Esc to wake up)

Separately, player model just stands there when you're sleeping (1), disappears if you sit (2). No idea what (3) is, but that's how Kel looked like after sit-sleeping (crouching? shrunken?)

This playermodel system is a placeholder until we get a better one with actual animations, so expect issues that won't get fixed until then.

Can't tell if it's a rendering bug and fence got visually unrendered, or if it's an actual bug - there is invisible collision by these coordinates with a size of a fence. There was also another one somewhere nearby on same/neighboring road but closer to Mike.


This seems to be a problem when object view distance is set too low, certain fences stop rendering when the player gets close to them, despite being visible normally from a short distance.

In my case it certainly was not too short distance - I bumped into the air (supposed fences) while driving the ATV down a hill.

(1 edit)

Due to his chaotic movements, Kerfur may get stuck in very weird places like this (he was fixing servers, I think this dish was Sierra). I believe this can't happen with -O since his movements seem more smooth and fluid.

(2 edits) (+1)

Kerfur (at least Omega versions) sometimes navigates into water and then fails to navigate out

Pressing pfp in email sends a corrupt message

(sometimes) Fov seems to be set to default when entering atv

Scrolling doesnt work in terminal

and im not sure if im doing something wrong but some mp4 files fail to play

I have the same on the terminal scrolling.


kerfur and most ai that cant hover or are massive enough seem to have the path finding a bit ruined when crossing the river sometimes they get across sometimes they don't and they get stuck in the river 

i think its the whole winter thing (not saying the winter thing is a bad idea) but its just the navigation for the ai 

Sometimes when you send signals and hashes the box model changes to the old one. And when I listen to the signals, the animations of sounds and pictures of the signal can freeze halfway.

When unzipping the game with 7z, there's a message in the little log thing that says "Data error : pa0082_0012\WindowsNoEditor\VotV\Content\Paks\VotV-WindowsNoEditor.pak". Upon trying to start the game, the error message "Failed to open descriptor file ../../../VotV/VotV.uproject" appears. I have tried redownloading the 7z file, to no avail.

Are you extracting the whole game folder? You can't extract just the .exe

I am trying to get the TV to work and the video files are showing up in the menu but nothing happens when I press play.

Is it plugged in?

I didn't notice the power cable lmao. Sorry

(1 edit)

Okay. I literally lost Kerfur. I usually find him quickly. I didn't turn it off, we crossed paths at the base, I went to get hash codes, and he went to fix the servers. The day before, he threw up. So I come back and I see this, like it's turned off:

Yeah, I already looked for him on radar, he's nowhere to be found, just the quad bike. I've searched inside the base, outside, in the river, although I use winter mode for kerfur so it doesn't get stuck. He's literally disappeared. I think something went wrong with the missing kerfur event, I think? Could that have happened? Can add a respawn function for kerfur in future versions if he does get stuck under the map?

translated with DeepL


First time playing here and havent put the game down in like a week (its amazing thank you), but I notice that the AI likes to get stuck in the bottom of the river? Ive had Slapper events never clear, deer that never reach the base, and of course our beloved baby Kerfur all just get stuck in the river and cant get out. I have had to use the debug scrape command a lot to just be able to sleep since whenever an event creature gets stuck in the river i just fall over forever from exhaustion until i clear events. Its extra frustrating when the slappers never reach the base since to my knowledge they dont appear on the radar so I cant even run into them to finish the event. Some help would be appreciated. My assumption might be that the nav mesh is wonky because it seems that all creatures that path to the base or from the base have a 50/50 chance of wandering into the river. 


The snow mode ice pathfinding seems to have broken the normal pathfinding around the river, you can just turn it on (set a key for it in binds) and the issues should go away.

(4 edits)

This was filled out on the form, but I decided to post my bug here just in case someone has a fix for me.

I'm unable to hold onto anything. When I drag an object, it falls out of my hand almost immediately and I can't use the signal downloader since I can't "hold" the knobs.

UPDATE: Okay, so an immediate update but apparently I still can drag objects. I still drop them sometimes but it's now labeled as "finicky" instead of "impossible". Still can't use the knobs, however.

UPDATE 2: Completely restarting the game fixed it. I'll still keep this up just in case it comes back and I upload a video of it in action.


nails seem to completely detach, become frozen still or become wildly out of place when reloading the save, anything that i've used nails on have either become permanently frozen in place or flung out of the map due to random physics gore
this is quite annoying since one of the primary things i use in decoration are nails, and it keeps turning my base into a mess every time i reload


Fix Omega Kerfur. He gets stuck in the water all the time when he's get reports.


Turn on snow mode when you send Kerfur out, both base and Omega. Fixing the navmesh for the ice seems to have broken the normal pathfinding a little bit. You can find it in options under keybinds, unbound by default.

(2 edits)

Changing any settings of the game makes the shadows explode leaving only white on everything. Can only fix by pressing default and applying, any subsequential change makes the glitch happen again.

The standard Kerfur's pathfinding seems to be completely broken for me. 
Every time I send him to repair servers he immediately runs into the nearest river and spins around in place forever until I manually go there and turn him off or he runs out of battery.

Had a music play that wouldn't stop

After searching for more info I realized it was because of the event with the evil robot thingy, apparently it was stuck under the map so the event wouldn't ever stop but I couldn't get to it either. Couldn't find a solution so had to abandon my save cause the constant music is hell x)

Also had lots of issues with the robot going underwater and getting stuck there, it probably needs a different pathfinding protocol when it's underwater cause it happened really consistently making it pretty useless.

There should be a debug command to remove murderfur, type "debug help" in a console.

Thanks that worked!

Show post...

glad it worked for you

После размещения коробки и вызова дрона текстура коробки заменилась на старую

(2 edits)

Ambient Mode, day 44, vanilla game no mods, Extreme Combat turned ON
around 20:00 on day 43 i've found a gray boar beyond the fence around the array. After i ran back to base, found three blips on the radar two of which are gray boars as well. 
Not sure if that's a bug or not, but as far as i understand they spawn in as part of a story mode event, they are also the only story mode event that appeared in this save.
However, before that (not sure on which days, probably around 10-15) three random events also went down - the superfog, the warp dart on top of the tower, and the empty base
All behaved like normal events - no ability to save, pause menu didn't pause the game, in case of the empty base pause menu didn't open at all.

Ambience mode just isn't doing it's job in newer versions from what I have heard, new events still happen like you aren't even playing the "no events or entities or scary things" mode.

Not sure if it's a bug or a feature, went to sleep while I was waiting for items to be delivered, when I woke up to get them they were not there even though I saw the drone deposit them on the platform through the sleeping view.

What did you order and was there anything else there on the platform before it landed?

Nothing on the platform that I know of, but I ordered a hook and 4 garbage bag rolls.

I started the game on day 21 when I installed the latest update, the Arirals  camp has not shown up yet and I am now at day 49 which seems to be the day cap? have I found a bug?

Past scripted events won't happen if you start on a later day. The treehouse only appears on day 17 and never after that.

after the *spoiler* artifact explosion event where the whole base got shook up etc. some objects must have glitched into the walls, floors etc. and now there is constant object collision noise...

Try to locate the source of the sound and use a broom there, might help get it out.

Yeah that could work but whatever is stuck, it is stuck somewhere deep because i cannot locate the source (there is constant banging but after scouring the whole base I didin't hear loud banging so to know where it is exactly), it could be underground or in the big spherical thing on the top of the base but I doubt i can get it out. My best bet will be probably to stuff my base with white noise.

Check under the base. Go out to the front door and turn toward the window, there should be a slightly off colored triangle corner, try to walk on it.

Thanks, I didin't know that. PS: After dwelling around I think the sound is coming from the meat grinder room (I think the table at the end is making that sound) so yeah... I am not gonna get there unless there is a glitch I can abuse.

Yeah that's not good, I once had to clear out an insane roach infestation in the basement on a friend's save using mods with how they were dying in the walls. Couldn't get them out any other way, so you probably aren't solving this issue.

If you can't solve the problem you gotta kill it or something. That said I turned off props impact physics and I think I'm gonna stick with this setting for now. The game is still pre alpha so it is pretty normal for it to have bugs, especially given the fact that it's garry's mod style game, it is what it is. (also I lowered the roach count in settings at the start because they were causing lag)

Molotovs don't explode when shattering against certain objects or entities. I have found it happens with the Tower and Fossilhounds, but presumably more unknown things as well.

Moon is too small. Comparing to holding a kitchen knife IRL it has to be the size about half of a blade thickness, maybe 1/3, but definitely not 1/7. (Pic doesn't want to attach)


another text

(1 edit)

For some reason with the new console in 8.2, when I go to interact with some of the switches and knobs, the interaction dial will appear as if it's a grabbable item. It's currently preventing me from processing any signals cause i have to hold e and scroll the mouse wheel to turn dials, but it's opting for just grabbing it. Guess Kel just has some really sticky hands???

Check Experimental settings, there should be an option that is on by default involving interaction or something, forgot what it is called. Turn that off to use the old and functioning interact system

OMG LIFE SAVER!!!!! I was looking for that setting but forgot about that little E tab all together, and it just kept eluding me lmao

 in the event where the four "spider" robots walk around the forest one got stuck in the river in front of the base and softlocked my game

When this happens activate snow mode and it should move on. You can set a bind for it at the bottom of the keybinds tab in options.


(0.8.2B) The performance of the game will slowly but steadily get worse as time goes on, and within about a day your framerate will have cut in half by now.

I was noticing the unusual lower framerate after some time playing.

kinda annoyed that every single model i imported over and made sure would work in the last update with the industrial printer no longer works, and i cant get any model to work. even the smallest meshes give me an error saying theyre too big. i was excited to use this feature again, its my favorite part of the game, all the customization. can you fix this? tried naming the files the same as the folder, tried naming them "diffuse" and "pbr", i even tried opening one in a model editor, which i dont know how to use, and still even despite shrinking the model with a tutorial in blender, still the model will not load. all i can get to load is this astolfo plushie i dont even want.

What version are you playing? This is already fixed on the latest 0.8.2 version (not 0.8.2b, the latest version of 0.8.2 itself.)

it was not fixed in the last 8.2 update for sure, many models wouldnt load, but also a bunch would. they were all configured the same way on my side of knowing how to mess with the files. either way i accidentally deleted that save like an hour ago right after cleaning up the third transformer fo trash, so I'll see in a bit now if it works again in this new save. but not all meshes seemed to work before, like they did in .7

(1 edit)

(0.8.2b) Meta Paranoia stops working ~30 seconds after loading into a save, letting you pause and save when you shouldn't be able to.
This is best observed by standing next to William while "paused" after just loading into a save. The text should stop glitching after about 30 seconds, indicating Meta Paranoia has ended.

Same bug still persist in the test version. Fatal error upon trying to start the game. Cannot even get to the main menu.
Here's the error:

Fatal error!

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000000

0x00007ff65b9f9079 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65b9feb21 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65ba04beb VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65bd3db6f VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65bd2b576 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65bd4cd1b VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65bd3db6f VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65bd3da6e VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65bbdab89 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65bd3d935 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65d1acdab VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65d1985cc VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65d19b7e0 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65d8778fe VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65d4220a1 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65d85573e VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65d8128b5 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65d7fd8b6 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65d435b7d VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65b11e724 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65b125bdd VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65b125d1a VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65b127464 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65b1300a4 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff65e22a9ae VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff85fbb7374 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff861a1cc91 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

Have you extracted the files from the archive?

You mean unzip the zip file? Yeah, both 7-zip and winrar.
Both in an ssd and an hdd.
Tried all compatibility modes, versions before 0.7 work fine, just not 0.7 and after.

Weird thing is that is used to work a few months ago.

After updating to the test update my good quality cameras around the base rotate 180 degrees when sticking to surfaces and clip into the walls they are attached to

cameras attach the wrong way to walls. others have probably already noticed this, but immediately upon getting to base the camera was on the floor and now attaches to the wrong side of walls

Getting a drive signal to tier 3, then putting it into the signal audio machine to listen to it will reset it back to tier zero and you would have to process it all over again, build 0.8.2b

I don't know why, but the kerfur robot's pathing is so jank, that they end up stuck in water. Regular kerfus oftentimes get stuck near satellite sites because the base platform is less than an inch taller than it should be, as well as pathing near the river lake, often ending up in the water. As for omega kerfur, he just walks past the bridge and into the water, (As seen here (

Also the TAA is a real headache, I know it can look cool on screens, but it shouldn't look like that everywhere.

As much I love Winter Mode it seems to break things, not sure how or why but here’s some observations about what tends to happen. Spoiler warning for those that have not finished Story Mode.

During the 2024 Halloween event when turning on Snow Mode briefly the Jack o’ Lantern I the water hole next to the lake disappears, yet the one in the well stays perfectly fine. Durning Criken’s playthrough the Safe wasn’t where it was supposed to be, and for some reason was flung near Tr 1 and the Teleport log. Yet when I killed a pig the meat piles during Christmas Event, the meat pile remained while rocks, scrap, and meat chunks fell back into the water. What’s been theorized between me and some other is that items get launched out of the water when turning on Snow mode.

While the other main observation is Kerfurs and creatures, such as wisps and boars, tend get stuck in water a lot which was also theorized something about how Snow Mode affected pathing. Notable places they get stuck in river near bridge right next to the base, Kerfur heading towards Xray seems get stuck in river, somewhere between Xray and Quebec, even though they can easily move out of the river so not prevented by Terrain this time. One point when I headed towards the little island in lake near Oscar by Kerfurs were unable follow me up there, even though previously they had no problem yet turning on Snow mode they were able cross the water. Might be something similar to how entities were getting stuck on the ice during Christmas event.

They fixed items getting launched by the ice alongside the proper snow mode version for the christmas event, now they either get brought to the top or just sit at the bottom if they are deep enough.

Oh so it is, you've saved me and many others time found the thing I thought I lost on the water. Still unsure why the streamer Criken's safe yeet it self onto land. I am very happy to have learned this, thank you friend.

It depends on what version he played, cause this was fixed in a later test release of the update. So if he played the test versions of the update, that was probably it.

Cannot fill a bucket with water properly using a sink, as it instantly throws the water within the same click.

Пожалуйста помочь когда я захожу в мир меня сразу выкидывает в главное меню

Можете пожалуйста помочь когда я пытаюсь зайти в мир я новичок так уж я не знаю я создаю мир пытаюсь в него зайти а меня выкидывает обратно в главное меню что делать ?

Kerfur-O gets stuck in the water while collecting hash codes

Керфур-О застревает в воде пока собирает хэшь коды

[pa0082b_0006] Kerfur-O on load is absent equipped accessories until one of said accessories is unequipped.

Kerfus often sticks too close to the creek  and ends up getting stuck in there, along with killer wisps?? Somehow they end up in the creek as well with no way of getting out, even if they notice me and try to leave the creek (to no avail)


[pa0082b_0006] The framerate still steadily decreases as time goes on throughout the day.



[pa0082b_0006] Trying to enter the Tutorial brings you to the main map. Certain things indicate this is still the tutorial and not another mode, such as being unable to save.

Trying to play the game for the first time. Tried entering into the tutorial (only option). I was met with great confusion when the game plopped me directly in the world with zero guidance and no tutorial. It took me a great while to figure out that it did not put me in the tutorial at all, and instead into one of the other game modes. I would greatly appreciate this bug being fixed, so I could learn how to play the game


Looks like you've downloaded the test version, pa0082b_0006. I'd recommend downloading the second option on the download page, which is the latest stable build, even if just long enough to play the tutorial before trying the test build. The tutorial works in the stable build.

after unpacking the game, an error pops up and some files are not installed.

0.8.2-b - "Return to sender" may no longer work - on untitled_187 the thing just crashes into the ground, through the trampoline.

Is The Funny Setting turned on? It won't get bounced away without it

I see, it wasn't, thanks

you can override the processor drive with another

(1 edit)

Played this new version and my game has crashed upon some "jumpscare event". I processed the signal and was listening to it, then I pressed "save signal" button and weird crap started to happen - everything paused and various colorful lines gradually appeared on my screen like my gpu was dying. And then at last everything turned to black and a "Fatal error" dialog box popped up. At first I thought that this was part of a jumpscare, but then I found out that it produced the Unreal Engine exception callstack:

Fatal error!
0x00007ff68ff716ec VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff68ff88a69 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff68ff796cf VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff68ff670d6 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff68ff88aac VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff68ff796cf VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff68ff670d6 VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff68ff88aac VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff68ff796cf VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []

The last three calls are repeated until the end, the whole callstack consists of 100 calls.

Edit: this was 0.8.2b 0006 version.

(3 edits)

Loaded up my save and it has such a low framerate that it is unplayable. Plenty of computer resources left in task manager. Normally after pausing (and going to  a different window and back) or loading the game is like this for  only 10-15 seconds, but this time it just won't go away. Disabling shadows solved the problem, but I've never had this problem before on this version. Is this a problem with my save, or something else?

EDIT: This only occurs in/near the base. However, I have never had this problem last long before and I am only using 66% of my total memory, with VotV only using 12%.

I can't process the signal to the 3rd level, I have to press the button all the time.

Я не могу обработать сигнал до 3-го уровня, мне приходится все время нажимать на кнопку.

Чтобы сигнал обрабатывался до третьего уровня автоматически, необходимо купить для этого улучшение и включить автообновление на панели (или где эта кнопка сейчас находится хз)

Улучшения я купил, оно мне не хочет автообновление включать. 

А переключатель включал? Точно знаю, что до обновления текстур всех компьютеров был переключатель, который надо вручную включать

Я глупый, оказывается появилось еще одно улучшение, которое я не купил

Kerfur keeps ending up stuck in the river, I think her pathfinding is bugged/expects there to still be ice

Interacting with the certificate causes a gray box to appear in the middle of the screen, is this normal ?

kerfus pathfinding sucks it keeps getting stuck in the most craziest places and at the bridge in the back same with the whisps they get stuck in the water somehow

0.8.2b Not sure if I should report this as a bug or if it's just a new thing in this series of test patches, but I'm able to consistently load up a day 17 story save with good Ariral rep and have one of them come turn my base upside down the moment everything loads in.

screen resolution does not change