This has been discussed in a few places but I haven’t received a satisfactory explanation. Hopefully someone can chime in.
I ran the numbers comparing the odds of specific damage with a regular d8 gun and with a d8 artifact gun using the shoot tables. Mean damage output for a regular gun is 4.5. Mean damage output for an artifact gun is 3.2 (the “increased” chance of max damage actually gives it the same chance to do 8 damage as the regular gun, and the chance to score 5-7 damage is actually lower because of the “graze” option.)
Even with the benefit of bypassing armor, you can see that an artifact gun only becomes better than a regular gun for enemies with DEF 2 or more, and such enemies are relatively rare.
It’s a bit better for harriers who have a d6 regular gun in the bestiary. The text says “Though disgraced, a deadly killer with a Gunslinger’s instinct (rolls on the Shoot Table).” Mean damage for a d6 regular gun = 3.5. Mean damage rolling on the shoot table = 2.7. So at least they come out better against enemies with DEF 1 or more. But they are still less effective than regular people against unarmored enemies.
What is the thinking here? How have others solved this issue? (My instinct is to force rolls on shooting table for all guns, not just artifact guns.)