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A topic by WengerE22 created 26 days ago Views: 95 Replies: 5
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I. Hi am Elijah and I am a awsome pixel art creator but I just started using Gdevelop and need someone to do the code. I have one person waiting so if you want to team with me reply me and I will choose who I want (that sounded rude so sorry.)

Hey, I'm Bruce and I have some prior experience with gdevelop (I think above average), only downside is I can't draw. I would like to team up :)


Great. Only downside is I don’t have discord. Send me your email so we can communicate


I;lol tell you mine first. It’s

i send you an email :)

Hey im an amazing coder (basic python and c) I have good experience with develop idc about the prize and would love to be part of the team,im a coder and can help with other things too,i have experience with scratch (alot) which might seem funny, but would love to work with you.