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Deleted 326 days ago
Admin (1 edit)

Thanks for sharing.

The only people would would have had access to those links are the spammers creating them, as all those pages were not listed anywhere and only available by direct URL. For you to share the links would suggest that you are in communication with the spammers in some way. If they’re posting the links on Reddit then that would explain it.

Okay, I think that is a very blue reaction. Mmmhh. So, am I getting this right?

  1. Reporting this to makes no sense.
  2. You are not doing anything about it.
  3. You don't see this as abusing
  1. You should definitely report suspicious activity if you see it. If you’re reporting something that we know has been automatically delisted by our spam detector, then we are curious about how you came across the links.
  2. The pages have long been deleted
  3. We have 0 tolerance policy for spamming

Thanks for the clarification! :-)