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(2 edits) (+1)

I'm not sure if this will break your game, but have you considered adding items? Maybe you can look throughout the house to find items. Honestly I don't care if you add them, just a thought.

EDIT: forgot to share my ideas on this game. it's great. I'm excited when it comes out, but i want to know if there will be a beta test or not. I hope you have a great Easter/Resurrection day :3


Thanks a lot!
There will be a few items, the flashlight for example. It will be in the garage. However the garage door only opens in certain events.

I'm not sure if I want to release it as beta or completely finish it first. The last game I published was kinda buggy so I most likely will release a closed beta for this one before publishing it. I may even publish a demo for it and if it gets attention, I would expand it beyond my current scope.