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A member registered Feb 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yeah man, I'll grab it later tonight.  I didn't even realize when I started the demo yesterday that the full version was out 🤦🏻‍♂️

It's all good haha.  I'll just have to suck less 🤣  I'm not too far into the demo yet - just at I guess the first dungeon we encounter?  The concept of Glory Points as currency is a really cool take.  I should probably just stop playing the demo and buy the full version - less to have to re-do lol. 

Thanks, I hate it 🤣   Honestly, though - this is kinda ingenious.

Is the "Game Over" screen as slow in the current release as it is in the "Play in Web" demo on the main page?  The game is great, but the time it takes for the Game Over screen to finish and let you back in again is kinda frustrating.

I had the same thing happen, but waited around for like ever and eventually it came back.  But then when I beat it,  the game crashed 🤣

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This game is really fun, but there are some concepts that aren't very clear, such as how the button in stage 4 appears to stay pressed in after it is used once.

If this is still in development and you're still looking for ideas, what about "zombie hands" that you can move a few more times before they become stuck?

It took me awhile to figure out, but the button can actually be pressed more than once

"Goojle" lol.  This was a fun game!  Got through it all :D

After years of seeking an answer, I have finally learned how babby is formed.

This was a fun one to play through.  What it lacks in challenge it makes up for in silliness. 

Works fine for me (also use arch btw lol)

Yoooo!  It's working now!   Window is shrunk down to show that it is in fact running in Linux lol. 

This was really good!  The controls were perfect.  Can't wait for a full release!

I second this.  Looks like a cool program

One thing I really thought was neat was how each level had a few possible solutions - which meant additional assets that some of us will never see.

Cool concept, but frustratingly difficult.  I threw in the towel on the second boss lol.  The jump mechanic is so hard to get used to I kept dying because of it lol

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A crummy commercial?  Son of a B!  Just kidding lol  - this game was amazing.  I figured I'd only play a few levels and get bored, but the story was so good!  And trying to figure out what all the other hints were about along the way.  I found them really hard to read with them fading in/out, and in the end had to rely on the spoiler :(  I loved it, though!  This is truly a hidden gem

I need a sequel to this where the slave driver appears in the office and we throw him into the gears and pull the lever... lol

You're welcome!  I'm so glad people are finding this script, and it's helping.  I'm honestly really surprised that it isn't a feature that's natively built into the site.   I need to remember to get around to updating it a bit so you can export your "Items Owned" collection.

Fun little game!  Is it normal to finish with the green key in your inventory?

This was a really fun game to play through.  I wasn't sure what I was in for based on the screenshots, but the controls are really responsive and the game is actually quite enjoyable to play!  Was the full version ever completed?

2; but I'd really like 1.5: Technical updates along the way with challenges to overcome and progress, but not necessarily with any dialogue.

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It's barely even a puzzle lol.
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Use IO outputs to light up a JBM sign.
-99 indicates the end of a vertical line.
Return the same numbers back to the IO
(1 edit)

Nice!  We'll see how far I get lol.  I'm on Puzzle 6.  I like how it unlocks a few more puzzles into the future so if I get stuck, I can still move on and try some other ones out.  I also like how fairly straight-forward it is to create your own levels... speaking of which, I got something in the works for you :)

👀  🤣

dude, did you think there would be something here? Ohh no...
(2 edits)

Oh yeah, sorry - ctrl up/dn works.  So that's fine.

Some of the tasks need to be updated a bit, I think.  Many flip in/out, such as:

Puzzle: 002_diff: I think your in/out are flipped.  It's easy to understand, though

1. Read values from in[0] and in[1]
2. Write in[0] - in[1] to out[0]
3. Write in[1] - in[0] to out[1]

Also, puzzle: 005_sequences:  Step 3 should probably just say "Write the sum of the sequence to in[1]"

3. Write the largest element of sequence to out[2]  

It sounds like you just want it to pull the largest number from the sequence and output back to the I/O module...  which was how I had tried to solve it at first lol:

I hope you don't mind my critiquing, none of it is really anything game-breaking.  I mean, I've made it this far without any major trouble once I figured out the basics lol

If I have my capslock on, I can't use any of the shortcuts (c, t, w, aetc).  If I turn my capslock off, they work fine.

Yeah, I think I just misunderstood the instructions.  I thought that when you send, the receiving module would receive "3" as the value.

In the 2nd block of code in module [03] I had:

MOV C 2; Listen for send from [02]
MOV D 0; prep for recv
MOV B E; store value to register B

It was easy enough to figure out when I moved -1 to C to see what the ID actually was, though.

If I could make three minor suggestions:

1. Make the commands case-insensitive, so if you're coding in upper case it won't mess you up.

2. Allow PgUp/PgDwn in ht instructions to scroll faster

3. Remember where you left off in the instructions so you don't have to keep scrolling back to the area you want to read

(1 edit)

I'm kinda confused about how to pass data from one TIS3 to the next.  The instructions make it sound like you move the [01] (or whatever) number to C to accept that TIS3's input, however in my code [02] is sending 258?

[EDIT] Also, I realize there is a much MUCH easier way to do this, but I wanted to learn how to pass values around lol.  My other solution only uses one TIS3 module

yay!  I'm so glad people found this and it's been useful.  I'm honestly surprised that it isn't something that's just built into the site.  I was also kinda surprised that nobody else had made it yet lol.  But yeah, thanks for checking it out and I'm glad it saved you time and made your project even just a bit easier to tackle!

(2 edits)

I'm at the point now where I have to figure out how to pull in the 2 numbers and subtract them in the two different ways.  I love Zachtronics' (even if I suck at them lol) and had an itch that needed to be scratched hahah

I'll check out the update!  It's been really fun, and I get that the abstract documentation is really part of the whole experience, I just felt that there was a bit too much abstraction so trying to understand what was a wildcard and what was valid instruction was a bit tricky.

I'm making progress, and I'm too stubborn to give up yet.  I'm stuck on interfacing not on math, so I can push through lol

[EDIT] You missed the typo on page 7:  "INSTRUTIONS" is missing the 'C'  ;)

(1 edit)

This game looks cool, but the documentation doesn't help at all if you don't know the basics.  The examples given are full of pseudocode, so no matter what I've tried doing, I can't figure out how to tell my tis3 to read the value from the wired input pin.  That is assuming % is input and & is output, but that would make this part of the documentation incorrect:

Pins on circuits are marked with "&". There are two types of pins-
input and output. They are not visually different, the only way to tell them apart is to know where each is for each individual board.    

I managed to solve the first puzzle, but it took ages lol

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Just use:


Then you don't have to mess around with different user profile locations.  %appdata% will jump right to the signed-in user's Roaming Appdata folder.  Follow me for more Windows Tips or something 🤣

The graphics somehow worked well in a weird way - it almost felt like a print-and-play tabletop game where you had to move components around a board, or maybe like those books from when I was a kid where you'd get a sheet of stickers and have to put them on various pages.  This game was just really neat all around in its presentation.

Ohh!  I must have managed to catch the page before it had fully updated.  At the time it said it was a demo, but now everything looks proper.  My bad

This is really cool.  Took me a minute to figure out how it was working behind the scenes so I could reset and mess around with a second playthrough.  I feel bad for the dude's wife - maybe instead of being free, she just wants her dang husband to design more maps and get friends on so she has more to do and people to hang out with... EVER THINK OF THAT, JOHN_DEV?  HMMMMM?  😂

assuming you're on windows, you need to go to 

\\HKCU\[whatever your account SID is]\SOFTWARE\Adam Pype - Viktor Kraus\No Players Online

and then delete the key that starts ENDING_

Bruh, how do you have time to make all this awesome stuff? lol.  The number of times I've jumped to a game and thought "Oh this looks neat" and then realized it was another of your projects is too damn high 😂   Keep up the great work!  I actually wish there was more - this game has potential!  It reminded me a bit of some of the old greats like Shadowgate and Dare 2 Dream

$7.99 for a demo?  What's the target date for the full release?

This was really cool!  Looking forward to more as it comes.

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I was bummed that I missed the kickstarter for this, but I'm glad to have caught that the ROM is now available for all.  I found the game through @skunky48 over on Twitch, but decided to back away once I saw what the game was about because I knew I wanted to go in and play it as blind as possible.

So far, it's been really enjoyable!  The hacking parts are very unforgiving, but switching over to a CRT made it a bit easier to get through (though the timing is still pretty tight), but I'm having a really fun time playing through it.  I'm always stoked to see cyberpunk games.

[EDIT] NGL, I'm kinda disappointed that there wasn't a cheeky comment if you tried to buy something from the shop that you shouldn't have money for, but hacking in the cash out of curiosity gave some interesting insight as to how the shop worked - and that approach is actually really neat.