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Abbie Gonzalez

A member registered Feb 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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:) thanks!

This is very close to being a tool I wish shipped with Windows.

This is a great start for something I’ve low-key needed myself. I use other tools to achieve similar but this is, with one command, focused on only c# files, and doesn’t take any arguments.

The one argument I would suggest having is –help/-h, that would print out the same description that is provided here on

There are parts that can be done across platforms, but it gets harder and is out of scope. I did consider it tho.

My goal is before the end of the summer. Probably sooner. 🤞🏼

When you tried to open it, or download it from itch?

If when trying to open it, can you provide your OS, OS version, and a screenshot of the error?

If the latter, can you try downloading from a different browser?

Spent the week moving all my stuff from Gumroad, and thought this would be helpful to anyone else doing the same thing and save them some time.

You can export your Gumroad data as a CSV by selecting the top right icon from this page:

An image showing the menu that appears when you select the download icon on the Gumroad Customers page

Select all data and select download.

The menu may disappear when you click Download: I was with them for 12 years so the menu just disappears when I click download. There indication of any success, just wait a bit. You’ll get an email from Gumroad after a bit with a link to download your data. It took mine maybe an 30 minutes to show up.

I imported it into a SQL lite database, and after some experimenting, used the below query to generate a minimal CSV that could be imported back into This only pulls in customers that were not refunded, did not initiate a chargeback, and opted into receiving emails from you. ( Side note: The only reason I knew it was an option was because it popped up in a tooltip on my dashboard - that was helpful!

The Amount field is formatted, because it seems the Kickstarter wants a currency formatted amount and Gumroad exports amounts as a decimal number (1.5 vs $1.50 or 1.50).

    `Purchase Email` AS "Email",
    FORMAT("$%.2f", `Sale Price ($)`) AS "Amount"
    GumroadSalesRaw  -- Or whatever the name of the table you imported your Gumroad CSV into
--  `Item Name` IS "Item Name" -- filter by item name if you have more than one product
    `Do not contact?` IS 0
    AND `Buyer Email` IS NOT NULL
    AND `Fully Refunded?` IS 0
    AND `Disputed?` IS 0;

For a quick list of what your products are from your Gumroad export, you can run a query like:

  `Item Name`
  `Gumroad Sales Data Raw` -- name of the table you imported your Gumroad CSV into
  `Item Name`

Hopefully this saves you time from having to figure out what data you want, and what fields to use.

Side note: don’t delete your Gumroad account right away! Just unpublish your products instead. Gumroad will keep any remaining unpaid funds if you delete your account.

(1 edit)

Theres instructions for building a native macOS version on gitHub that seems to work really well for Apple Silicon (and my intel macbook pro):

You just need to install the .net 8 sdk before trying to run it.

edit: nevermind, theres a macos build on github now too:

pressing x at the top level menu will close it. in-game, esc-> save and quit, then X

press the Esc key

Everything is labeled.

(1 edit)

I don’t have the setup to build specifically for macOS on Intel, but I was able to use WineSkin Winery to make an macOS app for it, and it runs with no issues.

I’m using engine WS11WineCX64Bit23.7.1 with wrapper version Wineskin- No other changes were needed: only had to copy the extracted zip over.

I’m excited to see something new for Celeste, and I love this!

There’s no 32bit build tho, so it won’t run on lower end netbooks, etc. that run 32bit Windows (even if the processor is 64bit).

It runs on mac fine using winewrapper. :) Thats how I played it.

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C# (.net core) Used terminal.gui to handle the UI bits


(1 edit)

Check your version of mono just in case (project is .Net 4.8), and check the permissions for the files you extracted.

It’s linked to the DLLs, so they need to be in the same folder and with the correct permissions to run it. If you’re running off a temp directory, my guess would be only the exe was extracted, so it can’t find the DLLs. The DLL’s are from using Terminal.GUI to build the UI (