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Funny Doge

A member registered Dec 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Although I don't quite understand the main gameplay of the game, I am surprised that it features an editing function. I really admire your ability to create such a unique and complex game in just 10 days. Nice job!


Of course,But do not abuse it.^-^

It`s have many interesting and cool attack moves ,Really fun and challenging game , 

here is mine ,

Rate Water Cube by Funny Doge for Pixel Game Jam - 2024 -

thank you for your playing and rating

Because it is still voluntarily provided for everyone to download. If you are interested in this OST, you can also download it and listen them>_-

I don't know why, but I can finally open your game files. I`ve  played and rated your game ,Keep it up

A card and combat game, such a combination is very interesting and challenging. Although the later content is too difficult, I still think that this gameplay design is great. I apologize for only playing your game now, but I am finally able to open your game file. I am glad that I did not miss out on this fun game!

Hey friend, I finally entered your game, your game is very interesting and great, keep it up!!

(1 edit)

The Story is very funny , and the game design also great . I`ve passed the level .It`s challenging and good for me . The international criminal is the best!!!

This game is very interesting and pure, the changing light as you dive down also creates a atmospheric feeling.

I'm sorry, there is no Web version because there were some issues with the Web version and the gaming experience was far inferior to the PC version, so I removed it. Because this game does not have many objectives, it only requires adding colors based on your own creativity to ultimately create your own Water Cube. Thank you very much for playing.

Due to some issues with the WebGL version, I have now updated the way the game is downloaded. If you have previously played the WebGL version and had a less than ideal experience, I apologize. You are welcome to download the PC version now. Thank you all for playing.

Indeed, there are some issues with the game on the WebGL platform. Although I am not sure of the reasons for these problems, I still appreciate you playing.

(1 edit)

Sorry about not to tell you,I`ve played and rated,your game is very interesting and great ,and thank you for your playing

The gameplay is very interesting, with extremely high replay value. I am very curious about how the code works. Each new unlocked item greatly enhances the game content, and the entire gameplay process is very smooth.

here is mine 

Rate Water Cube by Funny Doge for Pixel Game Jam - 2024 -

Thank you for your playing and feedback,and I recommend downloading the PC version for a better gaming experience.

I`ve played and rated your game ,and I can give some advise.You can check the speed settings of your game objects, or see if all the code related to object movement is written in the Update function (for Unity). Perhaps you can look into this further for more understanding.

I`m Sorry , Actually, i  can not clearly understand this game . This game seems to be accelerated, everything is moving very fast, and I don't quite understand the rules. Looking forward to your next work.

thank you for your playing and rating~

Sorry, I crash every time I enter the game, it's not as simple as "keep trying to access".you can adjust some settings when exporting game files>_-

use the Canvas Scaler component,you can adjust the base resolution you need and dynamically match the size of the game's UI to the screen resolution in this component, so that your UI is not limited to a specific resolution.

thank you for your playing~

thank you for playing~your game is also great aand unique!

here is mine

thank you playing and raitng , and I recommed to loadown the PC version to get a better exprience!

Sorry, your game software is difficult to load, but I can offer you some suggestions. You can include the download method of the software on your game page for others to download. Using the WebGL version is one way, but it is not always reliable. Additionally, you can spend some time editing your game website page to enhance its appearance.

short and fun , and add the music and sound can be better ,keep it up!

This game does not have a specific goal, just use your creativity to add and decorate this Water Cube as you like.And unlock more color you can use. Thank you for playing.

fun game ,fix the UI problems can be better

I'm sorry,  my computer has identified your game file as a dangerous file, so I cannot run it.

OMG,your game let me feel it`s made by Nintendo

than you for your playing

thank you

(3 edits)

here is my game,

thank you for your playing and rating , Also welcome everyone to share their games, I will respond as much as possible.

To be honest, with my poor English level, I may not fully understand your work, sorry. But in terms of visuals and gameplay, this game is stunning and amazing. Rated it !

here is mine

thank you for your playing and supporting , and I recommed loading the PC version to have a better experience

Becoming a deliveryman at sea is interesting. and the game functions are so abundant!

challenging and fast!It`s really fun, but the items are too small to easy noticing , A slight adjustment can make it better.

easy and fun ,keep it up!

here is mine

thank you for your playing and supporting , and I recommed loading the PC version to get better experirence