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A member registered Feb 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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there's a shoot option? Mb I didn't know...

Game looks good. Would feel even more better with music. Also I couldn't figure out what to do. I was just randomly clicking on tiles and sometimes it was working and sometimes it wasn't. So yeah that's it. Music and clear instructions as to what to do would've made this game more fun.

Loved it! Just wish there was a downloadable file and save/load mechanism. Other than that, it's an awesome game!

(1 edit)

First of all, thank you soo much for trying out my game. I really wanted to add music, but kept pushing it to the back of my list until there was only 30 mins left before the deadline and I had to quickly package my game and release it

Hey! Just tried your game. imho, you could've made it more challenging. And other mechanics such as traps, bombs etc could've added more to the fun part. Overall a decent game that can be soo much more. 

The lore and the gameplay is interesting. Would do better with a music. 

The fact that you are able to do this while working is commendable! Props to you for that!

Hey! I've tried your game and here's my 2 cents. First of all,  It is very difficult to the point, it starts to become unfair. How am I supposed to evade those crawling humans?? And I don't know how I should I escape when they catch me. Or if it is even possible to escape. And as far as the positives are concerned, the music was good and the setting was nice. 

Hey! I see that you've put some work into this game. But In my honest opinion, you should've added a couple more mechanics like power-ups or something. Also you could've given a skin to your player character.  I got 31 kills btw :)

Thank You So Much :)

Hello everyone,

I've gone through the instructions provided by on indexing ( for my game, but even after two weeks, it's not showing up in search results. I've reviewed everything and believe I've followed the steps accurately. Could someone please explain why it's not appearing? Also, I'd appreciate it if my game could be given a boost to ensure it gets indexed quickly.

Thank you for your help.

Link to my game: Twisted Giggles 

Hi community,

I understand that its weekend, but I've followed the documentation( provided by regarding indexing, but my game still hasn't appeared in search results after two days. I've double-checked everything and am confident I've done it correctly. Could someone help me understand why it's not showing up? Additionally, I kindly request a bump up for my game to ensure it gets indexed promptly. 

Thank you for your assistance.

(1 edit)

Its been 2 days since I published my game. still my game is not indexed in  This my link to the game and this is the link to my profile.  I even looked up at the public settings and we didn't check the un-listed button. This is the first time for us posting the game on Me and my friend are actually worried about this. 
I kindly request you to help us out.

My game name is: Twisted Giggles

Its been 11 hours since I published my game. still my game is not indexed in I could find many projects which are indexed more quickly ;(
This my link to the game and this is the link to my profile.  I even looked up at the public settings and we didn't check the un-listed button. This the first time for us posting the game on Me and my friend are actually worried about this. Hope we didn't mess up with the guidelines.
I kindly request you to help us out.

My game name is: Twisted Giggles