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A member registered Feb 28, 2024 · View creator page →

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Really fun to play! Cool style and mechanics, and very polished, Nice game! 

Thanks for playing!

Yeah the intro was definitely too long. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! There are some serious balance issues so it's common to not be able to pass more waves honestly.... The jittering is something that is driving me a bit crazy as I'm not able to notice it, so it's either a bug or I should just give up on life! The fixed camera over the whole arena is not really an option due to the size, if I were to change the proportions the player would be too small. However, the minimap you are talking about is a great idea that didn't even cross my mind for a second, I will definitely implement it in a later version. Thanks for taking the time to even read the description and for the feedback!

Thanks for playing!

Thank you very much! I liked your game too, really fun gameplay! Thanks for playing

I liked the matrix style and the effects. Sometimes it wasn't very clear what to do other than press up and shoot. but overall fun game!

Cool game and style! really creative idea

Yeah, honestly, if it wasn't for that song, I don't think I would have added music at all, I belive it felt quite fitting and cool. I totally need to improve the visual impact and sfx, I think it can be so much better. Thanks for playing and the feedback! 

Thanks for playing! I'm already working on the balance and how to make it all feel better and make more sense, I'd love to have you play when I can upload a new version!

Yeah need to fix stuff... Thanks for playing!


Cool style and intro cut scene. A curious choice of control, not my style but at least it is original. A better balance would be nice, especially since the controls already kind of make it very difficult. But great game overall!

Cool looking game! dont know what i was doing, but had a cool atmosphere. Would like more feedback on hits, but cool work keep it up!

Cool and polished game! The movement and mechanics felt good(except when the blocks got kind of stuck) and the characters and enemies look cool too. Sadly not much content and dying is not really a problem(Wich usually is not that good for a game as it take the challenge and tension away, but i love it for a game jam since i don't have to repeat everything again every time). Nice Work!

Thank you for playing!


Thank you for your words! Completely agree, the balance is way off and how i intended the game to be played is not at all clear wich is even more infuriating with the lack of balance. Thanks for trying to go as far as you can, it's something that even I struggle with. After testing it more and realizing most of the balance issues (I hope) I've made some big changes to enemy health, upgrade cost, etc, as well as adding features to captured enemies to make them really useful and a core element of the game. With this I hope to solve the currency problem, this since(i belive) it's a mechanic that makes you think twice about shooting, and something that I hope can make the game more interesting! I would love it if you could play the game once the voting period is over and i can upload the "better" version. Thanks for playing! 

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Thank you very much for taking the time to play and write your feedback. The jittering honestly must be a bug, or something that I haven't noticed since many people say it's something that happens constantly, so I'm going to take my time to find the culprit and shoot him! The initial menu is something I did in the last few minutes, so I totally agree that it takes too long and on top of that you can't even skip it!,which is something I don't like about videogames myself, I don't know what I was thinking... As for the mechanics I think the biggest problems are two things: the lack of a proper tutorial to show exactly how the mechanics work(total fail on my part) and the fact that the balance is absolutely far from where it should be, I totally agree on that, honestly, the day after I posted the game I was able to play it better and most of the problems were there. This has led me to make modifications that I think have make the game a lot more fun and feel good mechanically. I would love to hear your feedback when I upload a new version. Thanks for the feedback!

About the visibility I totally agree that it can be better, and about the upgrades, I think there may be a couple of bugs plus is a kind of confusing way to choose, I absolutely have to work on that. Thank you very much for playing and for your words.

Thank you!

Cool game, fun to dance with the crab gang. Nice job!

Good game! nice graphics, sound and patterns! the only downside would be the weight of being hit as it becomes quite difficult to distinguish, other than that, Fun gameplay!

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An amazing game, a very well executed idea, fun and with the right degree of difficulty for me, difficult to multitask but fun, cool animations and visual effects. Plus i got called stupid for not reading, wich is totally fair.

Simple and fun relaxing game, nice sound, music and general atmosphere. Cool game!

Great game, really enjoyed the water boost mechanic and hitting the hollow pipes to jump further. the only thing a bit annoying is the controls, I would have loved it if I just had to press space again in the air to hit the pipes down as it's not really a button used for anything else in the air, besides that detail, very fun! 

Thank you very much for playing! Yeah i though it may be a problem the friendly fire(even put an upgrade to reduce the amount of bullets that have friendly fire), its mostly there because of the consequence theme, something like, the more units the faster you can pass rounds but the more difficult it becomes to avoid the bullets, but i can totally see that is more troublesome than anything. And the selection certanly can be better. Thank you for the feedback!

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Thanks for playing and for the words! Yeah, the tutorial thing will haunt me to the end, total fail on my part! The jittering is something that is probably a bug, as there shouldn't be jitter apart from when being hit (which can be quite aggressive) and when selecting an upgrade, I should try to figure it out as it seems to be something quite a few people have experienced.... In any case, thanks for the feedback!

Really cool and fun clicker, liked everthing about it, except that now my hand hurt! Good game!

Love enter the gungeon definitely took inspiration from it! Thank you very much for the kind words!

Oh thanks for that! either way i think gamplay sake it becomes to hard to fast, so the balance may be off and the mechanics are not well introduced. But thanks for keep trying!

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Thank you very much for playing! yeah the shake may be too agresive when getting hit... and about the camera i guess you are talking how the camera positions around the player? i think it mostly follows the position between the cursor and the player, but i can definitly see how that can be a problem, i should have added a option menu to change between the type of view, either way thanks for the feedback!

Yeah i could have made that bit more clear! you need to keep it press to select an option, this to avoid making mistakes when selecting an upgrade... i should definitly have made it so you can just reopen the upgrades... thanks for playing either way!

Yes, the bounce totally didn't happen by chance, lol. Honestly, I'm surprised you noticed, thanks for your kind words and for playing!

When i see numbers go up my minds goes brrr... Cool concept, at some point it just becomes how fast you can buy snails, but honestly speaking i love this kind of games. Fun to play, cool art! wish for more!

Yeah needed sounds, thanks for playing!

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Thanks for playing!

Very cool style and relaxed gameplay, I loved the color palette style, fun to do for a while. Good game!

Very fun and well done. The game loop is cool as its twist of gamble. I would love to have a dash or have the character moved a little faster, and sometimes the angle kind of makes it harder to tell if you are safe. But that details aside the aesthetics and gameplay is very fun. Cool game!
