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A member registered Dec 23, 2015 · View creator page →

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Have you sent a message to the 4 that were pending so they can approve it? Is there really a deadline for the bundle?

If they don't approve and it is canceled due to an absence, this bundle is doomed to failure.

I joined both jam & discord server. Thanks.

Randy, Manilla &  E-Mailer finally have arrived in Quantum City, and look at the buildings around them. They must go to the central district so that Quantáramo gives them new clues for Randy and Manilla:

Ya lo he jugado, y es muy humana la forma de beber XD.

Update: I forgot to check the operating system needed to play the game, and it took me a week to realize.

I'm sorry for the confusion caused if you took into account the lack of said detail.

I've already seen Sandtrix case, and the lawsuit was due to 3 reasons:

1. It was previously called Setris, and the lettering font was identical to the logo of the Gameboy version.

2. The design of the tetrominos was also identical to the game, but it was more for texture and not for shape.

3. Using a remix of a feature song from the game.

Despite this, most of the things about the game remain the same.

Glitch is not a protectable term, it would rather be the expression of the same.

The youtube videos have the Steam link of the game. Should I also link it on itcho?

There are moments when they are sued for looking very similar without understanding the context of why it is so. Those who are very maximalists of IP and Copyright demand that everything be completely original without being based on anything previous, but the reality is that now originality is almost non-existent.

If we think deeply, almost all human art is based on influences, on things that have already been seen, or even works in the public domain or with a Creative Commons license. The copying is even incidental, and not necessarily intentional.

Going back to the lawsuits for similar character designs, I know another case in another game called "The Last Archwing", and the villain in design is like one from Dragon Ball, and until now the game wasn't deleted by a takedown from Toei Animation just because of that detail, because they haven't found out yet or that the game isn't successful.

Well, like that game, for me the demand will also be late, because generally trademark and copyright lawsuits from companies like Disney or Nintendo focus more on mascots, music, or the most profitable IPs of the moment  (in this case, by using Mickey Mouse, Star Wars or Marvel).

The last thing that occurs to me but at the same time useless, before that day, It is a comparison image that I made based on my research from watching both the movie and the game:

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For some reason I had problems showing it on reddit. The game logo itself was intended to be a reference to the movie logo, but if you look closely, it is not in an accurate enough font to be considered trademark infringement.

About characters designs, it would be problematic to some extent. The plot is the only thing that is completely different, as it doesn't follow the plot of either of both Wreck-It Ralph films. It isn't about a villain who wants to be the hero, but fails, or about a girl rejected from the race for being a glitch and who is secretly a princess. 

It's an adventure story about two kids who are chosen to defeat a robotic supervillain called Cracksom Virus (a cliché plot, but it's a template for many other stories).

Being sued just for a logo and several characters would be like judging a book by its cover, since it also has to go deeper by seeing everything the game contains before declaring infringement.

There is a phrase from a lawyer whose name I don't remember, but he said the following: It can't has a monopoly on styles, because otherwise the industry would have been frozen for years (all as long as it doesn't look too obvious).

And if you think he doesn't have any wishlists on Steam just because it seems too inspired, as of the date of this comment it reached 125.

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I was thinking about hiding the alpha and pre-beta versions of the game before launching Early Access, since they were also released on IndieDB for those interested in the evolution of the project, but as I saw how they could be separated, I didn't see the need.

About Kickstarter & Indiegogo tags, it was because in 2019 I ran campaigns on both platforms, but they didn't work much, especially because I had no idea how to manage the campaign and that the game was in a very early stage of development. I guess I'll take them down because they are done a long time ago.

The idea behind Randy & Manilla was that it was a world inside a quantum computer and that the protagonists were cute and endearing, And I couldn't think of any other idea than the movie Wreck-It Ralph as a reference for the designs. The logo, Manilla and Venny Loopsuit and some references are especially noticeable.

I made some sketches of Manilla and Venny with designs similar to Vanellope, but without looking exact, and when I wanted to have the 3D models, I requested a modeler was a big fan of the movie and knew how to convey the style. That's why they look like it is, because they use the base design.

That's true, but even if the game has legally problematic designs and concepts, ultimately it wasn't intended to be sold as a game in the Wreck-It Ralph franchise. Palworld was also never intended to be sold as a Pokémon game, despite the obvious designs and capture and battle mechanics (Or so they said, and even so it had its controversies).

If there is no other option, some redesigns would have to be done, at least based on the 2D sprites, but the problem is that the entire game is made based on the already established models and means a lot of expense and months of time. The worst thing is that it can even lead to cancellation and moving on to another game.

What are the typographical errors you find in the description?

And about .zip & .rar it was because in the second beta it weighed more than a GB in .zip and I compressed it in .rar because it saved a little more memory.

Of course, those demos that I published have been useful to me for something, to obtain feedback and visibility (which I could at least).

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You Know? For every long paragraph you make, you are right. The success of the game doesn't always come from investing a lot in marketing or its quality, but in an unpredictable way and it is the consumer who decides to buy or not, among other factors.

Many so-called marketing experts or even the developers themselves have the mistaken idea that to be successful, you have to superficially follow trends without understanding them.

Before moving it to Early Access, it was only the alpha and beta demos with free donations, but I realize that even with that model it didn't work much.  All this boils down to is that it's not the kind of game that people want?

And if Early Access doesn't work, why have other Early Access games like Palworld worked? 

It seems to me that according to a marketing expert's blog, one of the keys to success is that they last at least 10 or 15 hours.

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But they already know me a little because I made fangames and other smaller games, and yet they don't even bother to have interest in the latest project. The first scenario is already in process, only now it has not given the necessary impact, and the second, my game has alrealy demos from previous versions, but it seems a little contradictory to me that at the beginning you say that a demo is not a guarantee of success, and at the end you say that it helps reduce that hurdle.

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The same thing is happening to my game:

I released it in early access, and nobody is buying it. Despite the demos to try.

Randy & Manilla

You should have made backup copies from the beginning before what happened. But it's already late.

I did it, many thanks.

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Ok, but it requires first finding for a Furret she had lost first.

I can't find the Strength HM.

Excuse me, but the game doesn't on itch app by this message:

Yes, I had the character idea basing on Vanellope's design, but the model was made for me by a fan, and it's very noticeable on its base.

Thanks, but when its new Early Access comes out, you'll see that it's even better (just a little at least).

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At the rate you mention, with faster obsolescence and higher prices, it really won't even have time for backups.

That is why we see open source and the right to repair on the rise.

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It is always better not to have a game that is exclusively for Steam, and always have a backup on GOG or itch.

Unfortunately, most people only know the games through Steam or Epic Store (if we talk about PC).

Sorry, I didn't know that there were even more games from the 2000s that can be played today. I think it will be because in my childhood in that decade, I only knew and played such types of games (with exceptions like WoW).

Yes, it achieved the exact opposite effect of what it was intended to solve.

The only games from the 2000s that can still be played are all Console games, Flash and free Game Maker games without DRM, played through emulators and obtained through WebArchive and abandonware libraries, which luckily, there is still a huge number of games that can still be preserved.

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Sorry, that was the feeling I got, but that's not bad, it's a pleasure to edit levels based on the most emblematic games.

As an aside, there was already an official level editor in Bubble Bobble 4, but not with the graphic style from the first game.

Super Mario Maker, Sonic Maker, MegaMan Maker, Pac-Man Maker, every classic game with level maker everywhere.

Cover: Q*Bert in Loud House style.

The title sounds like it makes me hungry XD.

Gradius in the lake.

Only that the trail effects needs some animation.

Gradius in the lake.

Only that the trail effects needs some animation.

First person Luigi's Mansion VR

Pico-8, surprising as always.

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If you don't know, I will leave you a visual reference that will even serve as a cooperative mode idea:

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If you don't know, I will leave you a visual reference that will even serve as a cooperative mode idea:

Nice, but the game needs some improvements and additions:

1. It needs a sweet & kawaii music.

2. The character's sprite is static, it lacks animations specially idle & walk.

3. Maybe it can enter the house after getting all the worms and then pass the screen "You Win! Thanks for playing".

4. The soda rivers could at least give some animation to give the feeling of flowing water.

5 (optional). By the world's theme, especially because of the pink and brown palette, and on top of that with a little girl as a protagonist, It would be a good place to put an easter egg with similar characteristics (but... With "pixlexia").

Nice, but the game needs some improvements and additions:

1. It needs a sweet & kawaii music.

2. The character's sprite is static, it lacks animations specially idle & walk.

3. Maybe it can enter the house after getting all the worms and then pass the screen "You Win! Thanks for playing".

4. The soda rivers could at least give some animation to give the feeling of flowing water.

5 (optional). By the world's theme, especially because of the pink and brown palette, and on top of that with a little girl as a protagonist, It would be a good place to put an easter egg with similar characteristics (but... With "pixlexia").

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Hi, I'm Ofihombre, I have a web game called "Manilla in Pocket Wonder":

Can you try it to see what you think about sections like SFX, mechanics and level design?