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A member registered Jan 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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I did a test today and it seems to work for 2d and 3d views. It's no test for performance yet. Just a confirmation it's possible. Default Godot 4, X output works. I tried wayland support from 4.3, but that didn't start.

I'm in the Jam. 😄

I did a fast test on my Recalbox gaming setup but it failed to find the X or wayland libraries. I'll do a more detailed test on the Raspbian OS setup in the next days.


did anyone ever try to build for RPI4 with Godot 4 and see how it runs? :-)

Thanks for testing it. I used many models, but the ones from gdquest should work 100%.

I used chrome to test the drag&drop feature. Maybe it's a browser issue?

I didn't expect anything usefull, but was really supprised about this funny experience. :-)

The idea isn't that new, but I like the visuals. The paper look fits to how I write it down offline.

Looks nice and has all minimal needed features for a todo list. I would suggest a fullscreen button. A drag&drop possibility to move entries to another status would be a nice feature. What is the name about? Kantan - Kanban. Didn't I understand the joke? :-)

Great models!

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Hi, I made a little 3D preview tool to support your Godot model asset workflow. If you like please take a look. In case you give feedback or request new features I'm very welcome to realize them.

  1. Intuitive Interface: A mix of Godot and Blender look&feel and user-friendly interface for easy navigation and interaction.
  2. Godot Compatibility: Supports native GLTF and OBJ 3D file formats, ensuring to preview your assests exactly in the way as they are in your Godot project.
  3. Drag&Drop support: Drop *.gltf, *.glb or *.obj files in the application window (or the HTML frame version). Also drop image textures on *.obj to change the texture.
  4. Animation preview: Ability to play the integrated 3D animations in GLTF models
  5. Efficient Workflow: Speed up your development process by quickly assessing and selecting the available assets for your projects.
  6. Seamless Integration: Designed specifically for the Godot Engine, ensuring smooth integration into your development pipeline.
  7. Infinite mouse rotation/translation space by warping your mouse from window start to end position (like in Blender and Godot).
  8. Possible to start the application with *.glb, *.gltf and *.obj files as parameter for fast preview ability.

Nice look, but I would prefer it little more "antialiased", but I assume this should be the point. :-)

I could also confirm the enemy health and gun problem. I thought first it's not possible to kill enemies and just run around.

I could confirm the windows build works without performance problems on Linux with wine. As you work with the Godot Engine please consider to upload Linux builds in future as it's not much effort.

Surprising much content in the game. I died after several battles. I like the game style and it fits the theme. But the battles came somehow unexpected and random on an empty road. And then the spikes came out of the floor while the battle where I was standing in the middle of a street before. Maybe you should rework the battle mode.

It was somehow a game and I liked to continue it. But maybe some more explanation what and why it happens may help to give an understanding of the narative. But the graphics are nice!

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I like the isometric game style. If you add some music the overall feeling could be improved by nearly no efford. I understood how to interact with the computer but I gave up as it was to much effort to find out how to progress for a 15 minute break timeframe. I suggest you should make the first incentivization of game progress much easier to motivate someone to come back and spend more time. Maybe it's a really good game and I gave up early.

Maybe Visual Novels aren't my genre, so please take my feedback with care. But I feel it's to much dialog and not enough activity. The drink mixing gameplay could be interesting, but I had the feeling they talk to much uninteresting things. And after some while I lost patience and just clicked fast through the dialogs and missed some important order details. The graphics and presentation were ok.

Nice Tux game :-)
I'd add a coyote time jump mechanic. It's frustrating to find the last moment of jumping.

Hi, I just tried your game. My first thought was why is everything so tiny? The graphics are for sure prototype. This is ok.

I suggestion to zoom in to an area where both players are near together and zoom out if they are far away. This would also add some sort of dynamics to the game. You've to give it a try maybe.

I like you page. The big background image is a good idea that inspires me.

You might try again as this feature is now implemented.

Thank you for the feedback.
Yes, this is because I didn't yet implement the "what happens when finished" mode.
This is one of the next planned features. :-) Would be happy to see you playing the game :-)
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Cool game in spirit of DOOM. Hard to believe you did this while Jam time. as it's so good. But I believe you! :-)

Only criticism is that I was not able to understand the theme interpretation. But that is maybe my problem or I didn't read your page good. Sorry.

Edit: Haha, now I read it and found out. My fault! :-P

You need the LESS powerup to get some sneakers. Then you run until the green bar fills up and then kill them. :-)

While testing feedback I received I see this is to hard. As developer you play it 100x before release. Next time I've to take care on this...

Oh yes, the parallax effect looks strange. Haha. This needs a fix after the Game Jam. :-)

Cool! To be honest I played it so often while development and each level on it's own that it lacked some QA how less points are possible. It would need some balancing to be able to reach a very less score. haha :-P

Thanks for playing!

Great tool! Are you able to export a JSON format like
Reason is that I like to use 

which needs that JSON input to work as intended.

Is your tool open source? Then I might take a look how to do it.

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Hi, I used your tileset to create a game for the Go Godot 4 Jam:

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Hi, I used your tileset to create a game for the Go Godot 4 Jam:

I like very much the game idea and realization! For some reason I wasn't able to do something with the waste. How does it work? Maybe a good game page would help :-)

I couldn't rate Artistic and design as I've no windows to see the Voxels. I suggest to add a Video or Gif for non-Windows users to rate it.

But I like that low-paced games. Nice.

I couldn't rate Artistic and design as I've no windows to see the Voxels. I suggest to add a Video or Gif for non-Windows users to rate it.

But I like that low-paced games. Nice.

I loved the game. Exact my favorite sort of puzzles! Only you need to create more. :-)

Nice, I liked the graphics and the sound also fits the game. I think you might optimize the aircraft control. Specially to turn the aircraft at the border and attack again. But anyhow, nice game!

I'm really not good at playing such type of games. :-P But I liked it! The graphic style is nice!

The game looks nice. I'd play it longer but I was not able to finish the first level. :-( I had some coordination problems with keyboard a,d for left right, space to jump and mouse   to fire. But maybe this is my personal problem. I'll check later if it's better with game controller. :-)

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The game is technically good and also I liked the sounds very much. For me I had to many tries in the first three, four levels and frustration started early. I suggest to make it easier at the beginning until a new player understood the concept.

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I used your great Tileset for a game:

Thanks! 😃