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A member registered Aug 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I got the notification from the message


At least there's a valid reason why he puts his wife inside the freezer

You should really fix those error messages, I have a really hard time trying to figure out what's even going on or what went wrong.

Like what does this even mean ? How is this helpful ?

69 comments · Replied to Brided in 69 comments

sin city wasn't made for you 🤤

Especially the endscreen

Roman numerals and counting logic

Please add indicators to the active crates. That is basically basic design tip number 1.

I know what I said

best game update ever

Nice covemount rip-off :)

This reminds me of "A good snowman is hard to build".

(1 edit)


Guys this game is literally the Witness but Ohio Skibidi Toilet Baby Gronk did you pray today gyatt griddy level 3 gyatt rizz.

Maybe I'll do it :)


I decided to make the continue button the level select one. And there's still a level select button when you pause the game.

But I will say this, I really wished they could let me go to the end of the level select list when you go up at the start.

what da dog doin 😂🤣

Nice skibidi ohio chess battle advanced 9 + 10 cursed block-pushing game

When I saw Artindi playing this and dying, I knew I had to play that.

Really funny concept. I especially love the Keemstar reaction to the guys eating their food, reminds me of a story JzuqiAi would make, it would be like "I shot a dog dead because he fucking robbed my food"

Really great concept. Definitively has potential. Kind of reminds me of a game I made called "The living deadlivery"

This game is really mid. There is only three enemy type and I can't even tell if the third one is broken. I wish there were PVZ Zombie IQ-level enemies, like a shield enemy that can be hit from behind or a jetpack zombie.

Anyways, I got bored at stage 7 so I quited.

Sudoku microtransactions ???

I'm really not sure how to rate that, because appearently it's literally unplayable for me. It literally softlocks when I touch the stone.

Works now !

Update : I just found out that the clear also occurs when I resized the page (CTRL / Command + Mouse wheel)


I just recently found a bug that clears the scene when you turn off/on full screen while playing a level.

We be Fickling with this one 🗣️ 🗣️ 🗣️ 🗣️ 🗣️ 🗣️ 💯 💯

I quit shortly after so I don't really wanna try

Increpare isn't pregnant but he always delivers !

Hint : Look at the pixels

Very interesting implementation of the theme ! Also cool stickers design, I like the little references, such as the "cool S"

I couldn't pass the sticky ceilling part because the potatoes won't stop getting off of it.

Still pretty solid game overall :)

Pretty boring incremental, but might be interesting for speedrunning.

added one star lmfao

(1 edit)

It's one of those game jam spam games

Yeah, uh, I don't get the implementation of the theme. I literally don't see anything about that in the game.

Plus there's a really bad visual glitch when I sometimes move around the rooms. Oh and you can't undo when you take a piece, you are forced to place it somewhere else everytime.

Last level was a bit interesting, but it's not much.

Note : I accidentally made the last levels impossible so you have to play it from this link to see the ending.