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A member registered Jul 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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Im glad you liked the game!

Thanks a lot for that feedback, I will maybe update the game after the jam and improve it. The game was like that because my schedule is very full. And also, because I work solo. Anyways thank you for that honest feedback I rarely get honest feed backs.

it will be too hard if we use google chat (we already have a discord server)


glad you enjoyed the game! Also the music is a free asset.

Glad you liked the game, also this music is a free asset.

I'm glad you enjoyed my game! Also I was trying to make birds but art isn't my thing so I guess they could be harpoons then XD.

Discord : z3cklikespotatoes

Your work is amazing!

I'm making a team, and we already have a developer, artist, and sound designer.

I can't guarantee a win, I'm just here to have fun and improve my skills.

If you're interested add me on discord : z3cklikespotatoes


ok, so I will do the art?

Let's talk in discord


Just a question.

Glad you like it


I use the G Develop engine. If you are interested add me on discord!


Google chat?



That's fine I can handle all of the coding.

Hi, I'm forming a team rn do you want to join?

Hi Hi, I'm forming a team rn and ill be happy to help a beginner! If you have discord add me: z3cklikespotatoes


Hi I'm a G Develop developer I'm also looking for a team. 

Discord : z3cklikespotatoes

you have discord?

Ofc I will be happy to work with you!

Also I'm a beginner in art.

The engine I use is G Develop, but if you don't need a developer then I can help in the art.

(I just do 2D Pixel Art)

 I don't really want to win, I'm just here to have fun!

Discord is z3cklikespotatoes

Hi! do you want to make a team? (Developer but can make art too)

Glad you liked my game! I will try to add that after the jam.

Thanks, and I will keep try to implement that after the jam!

Glad you liked it!

I'm willing to work with or for anyone completely  for free.

Discord : z3cklikespotatoes

The ball just stopped moving idk if that's a bug but great game!

Great game I love the concept and movement.

Great game! It's very fun and challenging!

Thank you for your support!!!

(1 edit)

Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked my game!!!

Nice game its very fun.

I am an experienced G Develop developer, and if you check out my games, they are lacking better art, sound effects, and music. Some don't even have sound effects or music.

Good and simple game, I love it!

It's a nice game.