Our dear cat, Yoruichi, has passed away after over eleven years of companionship, fun and joy. She's in a better place now, buried somewhere warm and sunny just the way she liked it when she was with us. May you be born again and hear pleasant sounds.
However, we do need a little help paying the veterinarian bill so we're putting together this bundle to help cover costs. We need around 200 US dollars in sales to cover the costs. This will let us pay for the various shots she had to take, consultation fees and scans she needed.
This bundle includes Hipólita's RAD, the OSR-ish game of post-apocalyptic Central Asian Soviet ruin delvers. She will also be organizing a RAD jam very soon so this is a great chance to grab a copy of the game in preparation for that!
It also includes Armanda's Paranoid Android, the game that asks you if you're secretly an android saboteur aboard a spaceship, even if you don't yourself know the answer to that yet.
Includes the following games: