This is the third tutorial of the making of the Cult of the Lamb mechanics in Unity. If you want to follow along the series you need to first read Ground Zero, Part 1 and Part 2.
First we need to change some things we have done to fix the problem with the Roll state. The problem right now is that if we press the roll button while Idle and move after some seconds, instead of moving normally, it will perform the Roll. This is not what we want. To fix this first we go to the PlayerInput class and add a new Event. We can call it RollCancelledEvent:
namespace Player.Input
public class PlayerInput : MonoBehaviour, GameControls.IPlayerActions
public event UnityAction RollCancelledEvent = delegate { };
public void OnRoll(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
if (context.performed)
if (context.canceled)
After that we need to go to the PlayerStateMachine class:
namespace Player
public class PlayerStateMachine : StateMachine<PlayerStateMachine>
public bool RollPressed => _rollPressed;
private bool _rollPressed;
private void OnEnable()
_playerInput.RollCancelledEvent += HandleCancelledRoll;
private void OnDisable()
_playerInput.RollCancelledEvent -= HandleCancelledRoll;
private void HandleCancelledRoll()
_rollPressed = false;
On the PlayerRollState we can remove line 24:
// instantly set this to false so there's no double rolling
parent.RollPressed = false;
No we are able to continue.
For this tutorial I draw a quick sketch of my player and imported the .psb file to Unity. If you want, you can find the sprites and the animations in this .zip file. Of course you can use whatever sprites and animations you want. Make sure that you imported the 2D packages from the Package Manager.
After importing them to the Editor, drag the characters_spritesheet prefab in the scene, unpack the prefab and replace your player’s Sprite child with this Player gameObject. Also, add an Animator component and assign a Animator Controller.
On the Animator itself we don’t need to do much, just drag the the animations to it.
We don’t need transitions since we are animating as a programmer.
We know that Unity is based on scripts. Each script should (hopefully) be in charge of one thing. We are going to take a slightly different approach here. First we create a new pure C# class that does not inherit from MonoBehaviour. Let’s call it PlayerAnimations. This class will be in charge of everything related to animations.
using UnityEngine;
namespace Player
public class PlayerAnimations
private Animator _animator;
// this needs to match the names on the Animator view
private int PLAYER_IDLE = Animator.StringToHash("Idle");
private int PLAYER_MOVE = Animator.StringToHash("Move");
private int PLAYER_ROLL = Animator.StringToHash("Roll");
private float _transitionDuration = .1f;
public PlayerAnimations(Animator animator)
_animator = animator;
public void PlayIdle()
_animator.CrossFade(PLAYER_IDLE, _transitionDuration);
public void PlayMove()
_animator.CrossFade(PLAYER_MOVE, _transitionDuration);
public void PlayRoll()
_animator.CrossFade(PLAYER_ROLL, _transitionDuration);
Now we need to add a reference to this new class to the PlayerStateMachine script and initialize it:
namespace Player
public class PlayerStateMachine : StateMachine<PlayerStateMachine>
[SerializeField] private Animator _animator;
public PlayerAnimations Animations { get; private set; }
protected override void Awake()
Animations = new PlayerAnimations(_animator);
Doing this will allow us to call the animator from our states like this:
namespace Player.States
public class PlayerMove3DState : State<PlayerStateMachine>
public override void Enter(PlayerStateMachine parent)
namespace Player.States
public class PlayerRollState : State<PlayerStateMachine>
public override void Enter(PlayerStateMachine parent)
namespace Player.States
public class PlayerIdleState : State<PlayerStateMachine>
public override void Enter(PlayerStateMachine parent)
Remember to assign the animator reference on the PlayerStateMachine component in the Player’s inspector view.
Press play and now you will see the animations happen!
See you in the next one!
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