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3 Days before the Game Jam

I haven't made an itch post ever since I made this account, so i thought I'd start out by blogging my progress on the game jam!

If you haven't checked out my twitter, (which you totally should, I'm way more active on there..) I recently joined a little something called Queer Vampire Game Jam! The goal is to make interactive fiction with a story involving queer vampires.

Speaking of queer vampires, here's one of them!

Embryn will be one of the main characters, and the protagonist's love interest:)

You'll follow Harlow who's a university student that ends up meeting Embryn in Harlow's childhood home.

When I was writing the general story for the game, it seemed too short for a game jam that lasts for over a month? I ended up getting carried away and now I've set up an overarching plot line for the game..

But I can't really back out now because the story I've made for the both of them ended up being one of my most favorite stories to write so far, and i'd be sad if I were to waste all of that writing material!

So I thought about making a demo for the game jam, like a prologue. Then after it concludes I could continue working on the rest of the story without any time constraints.

When the game jam starts, I'll begin on making stuff that directly contributes to the development of the game like drawing sprites, or writing the script. And I think that covers everything I've wanted to talk about today! 

It was nice to write a post about something I'm passionate about without any word limit, unlike some other app..

See you, and check back next week for further progress updates!

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Hosted by kit, nyehilism, AJendryke
Ended 2024-02-26T04:59:00Z ago
304 joined
58 submissions

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Whoa! A demo! That sounds like a great idea!! You can make something for the game jam, but also take as long as you want to finish the complete game!

The plot sounds interesting! I can't wait to see how it develops <3