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What is my dream project?

Heya. I have no Idea who it will reach since im using this feature for the first time. Well dream project. It's something big and I know it. What's it about? Well let me tell you a bit about it.

It is called "The Dream World". A videogame that combines Jump and Run and Fighting genre, mixed with a big story that expands throughout the entire game. The story is very simple. In the game, it revolves around a person who one day took a walk behind their house in a forest and found a mysterious sphere. Out of curiosity, they touched the sphere and ended up in a strange world called the Dream World. The Dream World itself was always referred to as a paradise because it was challenging to enter from Earth, as the spheres, also known as orbs, scattered to different locations each time. The Dream World was a place where one could find peace and tranquility—a place intended to bring happiness. The Protagonist had to go through different worlds (also referred as Chapters) which all had different locations, characters, bosses and story. Each chapter would expand not only the story but also show different sides from characters. We would see bad guys being aware of what they are doing, but do it for an important reason. Characters who started of as being the happiest and sweetest people to end up breaking down and showing their inner emotions outside or characters who develop a lot from the journey they have taken with the Protagonist.

The whole writing to this game is 99% finished. It could get a few changes in some places or characters but all in one. This project waits to become reality.

Why is it not outside when the idea is already set in stone? comes the problem. I tried learning to code and to create worlds that won't end up as boring or buggy. The school I was on was not really the cheapest and cost me a few hundred bucks. I ended up wasting 3k for half a year or one semester and didnt really learn anything. As you can see from my profile the one game that came out of this Semester was the one that was in my dream projects universe but from a different perspective. The game should have been about a robot who was build to become the new face of the cybercity, but since he is shy he wanted to explore the city to get comfortable. On the rooftops you would have collected memory orbs that were telling a story from people who live in that city or from people who may or maybe not be important for the main game series. But since I didnt learn anything besides navigating through Unity I ended up giving up on this project and leaving it behind for a bit. I want to create something that would become something good. I just need the knowledge or people for that. I really struggle with trying to learn it and thinking about wasting all my savings on people who do it for me. But then, how much credit can a guy get who only gave the ideas? I just want to make it become reality. It's begging me to become real and I can't create it because im at my lowest points right now and don't have the energy to learn anything right now because I don't know where to start and because im giving up on anything at the moment.

For anyone seeing this (if there will be any, not sure how this blog post thingy works), I promise to somehow try to make it become reality. Even if it means breaking down multiple times and struggling with everything. I promise to release it one day. I just don't know when the time will come and when everything will change.

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I hope you can make your dream game come true one day! :D Game creations is hard and coding is a endless mystery....

Thank you so much for your comment. I will really try my best to somehow learn the basics from tutorials and maybe find people who help me do the difficult mechanics I planned for later on.