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Results of the Community Project #1

According to the poll results, the community project would most likely be a horror romance story set in a village so I was brainstorming. Then I realized... I ACTUALLY HAD AN IDEA WITH THAT GENRE AND SETTING BACK THEN. I wrote it a year ago based on a South East Asian ghost story I read, but I never finished it because I got scared. it was also meant to be an RPG instead of a visual novel, so I was lazy to work on the assets LOL Crazy thing is, the love interest is quiet and mysterious just like the poll results! Of course I need to alter things slightly from the original plot I drafted because the poll results also include age gap, 2 love interests, and a flirty MC. Is this a sign from the universe that I should finish this story???!!!

Wouldn't it be funny if the poll results change tmr and the community project would no longer be a horror story set in a village? I'd look like a total clown writing this and thinking this is a sign from the universe... LOL I shouldn't plan ahead or get excited in case things change... Maybe I'll delete this post depending on the results to avoid embarrassing myself HAHAHAHA

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I'm excited to see this game. Can't wait

Either way it still would be great


Hopefully! ^^