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One Year Anniversary!!

Hi there, everyone!

Today's a special day... A really, really special day!

April 1st marks the day I released my first ever game... Robo Otto! As such... today is my one-year anniversary!!

I'm so happy! And amazed! One entire year of being a game developer... I've really done it!

My dreams have come true so fast... I'm so grateful for everything ❤

I thought I'd be like a lot of small creators, and that I'd be doomed to obscurity. I consider myself unbelievably lucky to have had Robo Otto be so successful.

I know now that there is truly an audience for my creations. That fills me with even more of a desire to get all of these games out of my head!

Thank you all. I mean it!

So... It's about that time. Heehee!

I worked pretty hard to make this celebration a fun one...

Why don't we get started with the announcements?!

Starting wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiith...

Lil' Beastman Merchandise!!

Indeed... You can now buy products with your favorite characters on them!! All thanks to Redbubble! (Not the most ideal platform in the world, but... for now, this is the best thing I can think of!)

I hope this is something you enjoy! This is another major step for me on my game developer journey...

In the future, I hope to add more designs to the store! If there's interest, I'll do characters from the games that I skipped over.

Also! I'll upload designs not associated with any game, from time to time! I hope you look forward to those, as well!

If you wanna check out my store, click this really long link thingy!

With that, I'll move onto the less dramatic announcements!

Commissions!! (Again)

So! I announced commissions a bit ago... And then I secretly hid the stuff to commission me!

This was to tweak it a bit. You may notice that the prices are lower! They're about 50% lower, in fact.

Now... for many reasons, people underselling their art makes me really sad! As such, I try to avoid that. However... I didn't think about my art in the context of what I plan to sell my video games for!

After looking at the price of a single piece of art in relation to an entire game... it was absurd! So, I significantly lowered the price of my commissions.

Just like last time, I look forward to seeing what ideas I get to bring to life!!

If you wanna buy a thingy from me, click this link that's even longer than the last one! Can you believe it?

The last one isn't a great big announcement, but...

An Announcement About an Announcement! (Hey, those all start with "A"!)

Remember that big, mysterious game I mention from time to time?

Well... I'm going to try to commit myself to a deadline... for when to be ready to officially announce development!

January 29th, 2025!

It may seem like an obscure date, but I promise there's a reason for it. You'll see! Hopefully...

8 months from now, I will try my best to have enough ready to announce my big project.

Please look forward to it!

And that's... about everything I have!

Closing Remarks

A new merchandise store... re-opened commissions... and an up-coming announcement! So many exciting things!

I've come so far in just one year... I can't imagine what things will be like a few years from now!

With these new things, I hope that I can start making a little extra money to put into my games! That'd be neat.

But, most of all... I hope that these things bring you happiness. That's what I do them for!

Thank you! Thank you so much.

Thank you for the most fulfilling year I've ever felt.


Lil' Beastman 💖

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