Greetings fellow dragons.
Recently the question popped up about what Roses in The Flames will entail.
In the game, and what it revolves around, we will have a
Animated clips inside the video game itself so you'll feel more personable with the dragons.
Hotspot images, where you can click on certain parts of a dragon's body (whichever one you're dating at the time and see what different responses you'll get).
A map system, where you can choose where you want to go during the game simply by clicking any location on the map!
Multiple characters! 7 main dragons, and 5 side characters.
The main seven are called, Snowy, Magma, Margaret, Gwendolyn, Asher, Saxor, Thomas.
The five side characters are being worked upon with the names and designs.
4 female dragons and 3 male dragons.
Plenty of special art scenes...more than you'll ever bet.
In-game mini-games with the dragon you love to be with!
Non-empty backgrounds. Nobody likes being in a world where it's so empty and quiet. It makes it look as if you and the dragon you're with are the last two things in this word. So, we'll have background dragons drawn in to really make it look like you're there in the dragon world.
...And that's it for now! Let me know what you think guys!
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Hi! I'm Cringles!
I'm the main developer of Roses in The Flames. Ask me anything!