A few days ago I was looking for new game jams to participate in. That's when I heard about the HawkesJam which was a game jam being run by a Game Dev Youtuber.
The theme was Microscopic Magic, This theme felt very specific and I wanted to do something unique. I started by Looking up microscopic organisms, that's when I came across the Tardigrade (or the Water Bear) which is a microscopic living organism that can survive in very harsh climates. I started by drawing a Tardigrade and it looked amazing so I drew 4 different versions but based on different midievil classes, I created a Bard, Wizard, Warrior and Ranger.
These guys turned out to be so adorable, I loved the idea of Mideivil so I got inspiration from the game "Kingdom Rush" and made my game into a Tower Defense game. Then I ended up creating all the game play in 1 day. I then designed 2 music Tracks for the menu and in game. I was now finished, everything was perfect. Until, my game engine (GDevelop) had an update. The update broke my game and prevented certain interactions from happening. Luckily they made a patch and It was fixed pretty quick. Click the link below to play they game.
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