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Lore Introduction: Starchildren

As always and traditional, the stars shine at night. They shimmer, copying the sun in the sky as beautiful dots, making new shapes and adorning the sky like the jewels of a tiara.. 

But what if they weren't just in the sky?

Introducing, something known as a Star Child.


thousands of years ago, The sun god, known as Drew, decided he didn't have enough servants. But how to get more servants? Years before, he had made stars.. yes, that's what he would use! He used a star to create a child, vulnerable, of his own flesh (or.. of his own particles?), and willing to do anything he asks. He assigned the child a task.. one problem, the child exploded immediately after this. 

This was intentional.

Despite the obvious ethical problems, the Sun God continues to create these.. or, well, he would, if it weren't for his current one. His newest Star Child has yet to explode, having it's own will and desires. See, once the Star Children's desire (supposed to be Drew's task) is completed and achieved, they explode. This Star Child has its own desires, abnormally, and no matter how much Drew overworks the StarChild (Star.. Teen?) it is yet to explode. It attends highschool, unaware of its origin and power..

Surely this can't go wrong, right?

Feel free to comment your thoughts, feelings, and theories in the comments! Happy drifting.

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I'm gay/pos

Very aware bb