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Adding Audio to MGFF

Hey guys,

I've been wanting to put audio into the game for a while now and we're finally working on it.  I'd appreciate it if you gave this theme a listen and told me what you think. It came out a little more "Chill" than I was expecting so we're trying to decide where and if to place it in the game.

It seems like I can't post audio here on itch? Or maybe I just can't figure it out so CLICK HERE to go directly to the Patreon post that has the audio clip. Maybe it should be night time only? Maybe you don't like it at all? Let me know!

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We're leaning more on this should be a night time theme, going to get something more up beat for day time.

I play porn games on mute. I may not be alone in this.

Real good, Menu Music would fit, I also like the thought of putting it when a tender moment is happen, I agree with that comment. 


is really good, i like the vibe it brings


I personally like it and think it fits the game!