So one of my games - Thru the Webs - has moved from alpha to beta.
In regards to how long the game will be in beta before the full release - I'm estimating it will take another 5 days to 12 days, spending about 3-6 hours a day working on it.
The game is for Windows 10/11.
One thing I've been wondering is whether to release a Linux version of the game as well?
I do feel that releasing a Linux version could slow down the full release of the game by an additional 5-7 days.
It's not that my engine doesn't support Linux builds, or that I don't have the hardware to test the game on Linux. I don't have either problem. Rather, the reason I think it would slow down the full release is that it'd slow down the build times and time spent testing the versions of the game.
So what do you think? Is a Linux version worth it?
While I consider this... I wanted to talk about my future releases.
I tend to make video games, zines, digital books, and physical creations.
I tend to see it as... it does take me awhile to make new games. So I see my smaller releases, such as the books and zines, as a way of keeping people from boredom when it takes me up to 6 months between each major new game.
I actually made a little money from my releases by participating in co-op bundles. Some of this money was used to fund my latest game. Some of it was also used to donate to a few small time developers here, because I actually consider it a good investment... just a few dollars can sometimes make a small time developer's day, inspiring them to make more products.
One thing I will say is that with the new bundles I've submitted to now... some of those bundles might have to be cancelled due to technical issues with them, which may reduce my sources of funding. So making more large releases in the future might have its challenges for me. I did want to note that I'm not saying you have to donate to me, or saying that there's no other way I'll ever be able to release another game. More so, I'm just acknowledging some of the challenges I see ahead... which might be a problem that a lot of us face.
I remain optimistic, though. There is still potential for new bundles and stuff with the holiday season.
Thanks for reading my ramblings as I talk about my latest game and also game development in general.
...Til next time!
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