i been meaning to make a game engine list that describes all their problems so if anyone ever wanted to try but don't know the downside, this is the list:
Unity - Shoverware king, C++/C# required, plugins for no coding may not work
Unreal - Blueprint is required (says every corp job post), Queen of making your computer break because you need high end PC.
Godot/Redot - Wasteful donation money, not closer to the big two in 3D or 2D support. You will need to use programming, there's no plugins.
GDevelop - 2D only, the 3D notation is objects or background. Super limited, may or may not work on what you need.
Stride (formerly Xenko) - You are require to install Visual Studio to open it, you will need to program in c#.
Cryengine - Dead, require to use photoshop plugin from 2012 just to have models with texture.
Defold - 2D only with 3D having images in simple geo camera view. Not friendly to new people with zero experience and require to program everything.
Fibbo - Brand new engine, require to learn JavaScript.
GameMaker - Pay to use, limited use on free version, 2D only and fake language called GML to custom code anything it does not offer.
Bevy Engine - Required to use Bevy ECS a custom language just for Bevy.
RPGMaker (all versions) - Not limited to RPG but it's not going to be anything else without plugins. Limited RPG options. 2D only, no change in camera view (top down).
microStudio - Require programming, 2D only.
Stency - 2D only, paid product, free version is very limited, no commercial use on free. 99% of spam ad games were created by this engine.
Ct.js - Require to program JavaScript or Coffie to fully use it, fake language catnap is copycat of Scratch. 2D only.
Scratch - You will need to use their custom block language, you cant just write it in. Very limited. 2D only.
Urho3D, Blitz3D, G3D Innovation Engine, Open RPG Maker, Amethyst, FPS Creator, Reality Factory, Silent Walk FPS Creator, Wintermute Engine, RPG Toolkit, Tululoo Game Maker, Hypatia, Maratis, QICI Engine, Platinum Arts Sandbox, AresEd, Reality Factory 2, PlayN, Project Anarchy.Whitestorm.js, Angel2D, Appcelerator, Cyberix3D, DX Studio, UrhoSharp, Lite-C, - Dead
Armory 3D - You need more than just programming, you need to do everything.
MonoGame - You will need .Net a Microsoft language software.
Torque 3D - Almost dead, no exe or anything, you will need to learn how to make it first
Upbge - Might as well be dead, required to use newest blender not older versions.
Castle Game Engine - "The problem is that Pascal is an "almost dead" language, not because it's bad, but because of the small adoption." - Arthur
Hology Engine - Require to use TypeScript, free plan is very limited, paid product, support exist in discord.
ENIGMA - 2D only, copycat GamkeMaker, very limited and might be dead.
Phaser - 2D web games only, you will need to learn to code in web supported language. No active community.
Moddio - server side game engine. No export to windows or Mac. Website lock in and require to signup.
ezEngine - No community, C++ only. Windows only.
Open 3D Engine (O3DE) - The unfriendliness game engine on the list. You will require a powerful computer with windows 10 or newer.
Pygame - Might work in 3D, it's 2D only really. Python (2 and 3) only.
Flax Engine - coding required C++ or C#, pick your poison.
Babylon.js - You do need JavaScript to do anything besides being a nice looking viewer in 3D.
Panda3D - You do need to use both Python and C++ you don't have a choice.
Construct 3 - 2D only, pay to use. Windows only.
CrossBrowdy - Online only and requires you to learn java.
Banquise - scam online mobile app
Cocos Creator - very unfriendly, sign up require, People who use Godot say they see no problem with the confusing UI.
Boardgame.io and Evergine- It's not a game engine.
Alice 3D - You need a ASE file to import, what's ASE file? i dont even know until now. Autodesk ASCII Scene Export (ASE) files and Autodesk ASCII Export (ASC) files can be opened with Autodesk's AutoCAD or 3ds Max.
HARFANG®3D - paid product, free is restricted. 99% sure is not a game engine but corp won't hear to reason.
Wicked Engine - Windows only, Dev wants you to use Steam for a full build.
Intrinsic - featureless and windows only, you will need to program everything.
Buildbox - Paid, free plan is a lie.
Lobster - not really a game engine.
CopperCube - Does not work like you think, dev are slow at updating, only good use is making simple games.
PlayCanvas - Online only, coding is required.
batari Basic - works as the dev told, only good for Atari 2600 (i dont know if it works on other Atari consoles), require to use ancient BASIC-like language.
The Mirror - Online only, slow updates and still in beta through this day.
Gameeky - Linux only, Python only and no possible way to share the game by exporting it.
HaxeFlixel - 2D only, programming is required.
NeoAxis 3D - You can build simple game but nothing else, you need to learn C# to fully use it. Windows only export.
Roblox Studio - Not a game engine, your hard work stolen by Roblox corp, no export option.
ZGameEditor - 3DS-file only, not the best, limited options.
MANU Game Maker - Very limited, sign up required, not updated well, very little support.
Fyrox Game Engine - Let's build a WebAssembly game engine - says the dev
Amulet - Luna only, might be outdated on IOS.
Glide Engine - dev left, no longer supported for Mac or Iphone, might as well be a dead engine.
HaxePunk and MAGE - Gone, like it never existed
GameGuru and GG2 - Lies, paid product, FPS only and no custom characters allowed, windows only and required to use Steam.
Arcade Game Studio - Dev left, still waiting for news on him.
Cafu Engine - Makes you build the engine without doc or community help, pure evil. Also you have to use Lua only.
GameSalad - The only 100% mac exporter in the list, paid product.
melonJS - It's not JavaScript they said, it's JavaScript.
Rogue Engine - Three.js only, the dev say it's easier in Three.js
Verus Engine - "Why use someone's else engine, just use my" he said that before leaving behind the project, never to be seen again.
AppGameKit - Paid, free version is a lie with no export option, "trust me bro" it says but only to teach bad coding.
Esenthel Engine - super dead engine, no community and no help. Required to install visual studio. Windows only.
Leadwerks Game Engine - Steam requirement, outdated, featureless. paid product.
JMonkeyEngine3 and LittleJS - Game engine but Java only. I dont know if this even works.
Lumix Engine - Might be the most minimal engine on the list with only the bones of the game engine. Also, windows only.
Unigine Engine - i dont care what you guys say it's not a game engine.
GeeXLab - required coding, you have no choice.
Visionaire Studio - Paid in EU currency (the only one in the list), adventure games, i dont know how well it works.
SMILE GAME BUILDER - Steam requirement, Paid product, windows only, not true to the RPG style.
WorldForge - rip
Love and LÖVR - lua only, 2D only, very limited
Orx - 2D only, only C, not C++ or C#
VERGE 3D - Very limited, you need to sign up to just view it.
AGKSharp - "It's not AppGameKit i swear" says the dev. very limited, paid product.
Limon - dev is gone, if you see him tell him to answer our questions.
HeroEngine - I don't know what this is and enither will you because the cost is beyond Photoshop subs.
Game Builder- Steam requirement, block game, very limit, code is required.
Nau Engine - possibility dangerous
GameCraft (formerly Robocraft X) - They are lying and you can't export games. the only game engine with restricted custom settings.
Imagine Engine - dead engine dev left. Mac only.
Ursina and Nirvana 3D - make gamedev even more python program oriented and less UI.
SceneKit - Apple devices only - Apple.
Cave Engine - Another python game engine but in 3D and offers UI, the catch? Not free.
That is the entire list, hope this helps. There's no good engine, all game engines suck. I spent years looking for the perfect game engine, i am sick and tired of looking, an entire website was build to find all game engines to possibly find it by crowdsource. Still no luck, only have to wait now.
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blitz3d is outdated but still cuts the mustard!!