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a collection by
Wasteland of Enchantment Games
· last updated
2023-11-10 03:03:39
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The Corpse Bride for MOSAIC Strict
When is she most alive? When is she most dead?
Paul Czege
Traditional Embodiment for MOSAIC Strict
If you're going to play MOSAIC Strict you need a chargen system
Paul Czege
An Afternoon Nap for MOSAIC Strict
The power of being determined, inspired, sensual, free of stress and anxiety.
Paul Czege
Yuletide Gifts for MOSAIC Strict
Gather with your companions around a yuletide fire this year and the new sun may grant your secret prayers.
Paul Czege
The Pawn for MOSAIC Strict
You want a Pawn to help satisfy your aspirations? Ask your gamemaster and they’ll put an NPC Pawn in your life.
Paul Czege
Bigfoot Is My Copilot
This One NPC for MOSAIC Strict
Adam Schwaninger
How To Escape Hell for MOSAIC Strict
We just have to disbelieve the lies, the fictions, collectively somehow.
Paul Czege
The False Friend for MOSAIC Strict
#ThisOneNPC for MOSAIC Strict, inspired by Paul Czege
The Gambler (for MOSAIC Strict)
Michael Van Vleet
The Man In the Suit for MOSAIC Strict
"He cooks a wonderful dinner for the two of you."
Paul Czege
This One Boy for MOSAIC Strict
He's a mixed breed you bought from a kid in a resettlement camp, and he's the best friend you've ever had.
Paul Czege
The Knot for MOSAIC Strict
It Makes Us Yearn for Each Other If We Let It
Paul Czege
MOSAIC Strict rules for battles in giant armor.
Luck Of Legends (Michael Low)
The Coolest Combat System - A MOSAIC Strict System
A modular polyhedral dice set based combat system for TTRPG designers.
Michael J Gibson
MOSAIC Strict Cultures and Kith
Character background and species worksheets for any tabletop RPG
Kali Ranya
MOSAIC Strict Experience and Quests
An advancement system for use with other MOSAIC modules or any TTRPG
Kali Ranya
Gods & Prophets for MOSAIC Strict
Your Story Comes From God
Paul Czege
MOSAIC Strict Challenges and Obstacles
Gauntlets of hazard and skill for any tabletop RPG
Kali Ranya
A MOSAIC Strict module for interpersonal influence
Dracula for MOSAIC Strict
You know about how Dracula can't come into your home unless you invite him? It's based in truth, but not like that.
Paul Czege
Perilous Preternatural Powers for MOSAIC Strict
A modular magical mini-game for RPGs
Wasteland of Enchantment Games
d20 Classes (MOSAIC Strict) + some notes
d20 mostly fantasy, with a splash of post-apocalyptic, character backgrounds
Dropbear Games
The Unblind Sisters for MOSAIC Strict
I'm at the NPC. I'm at the quest mechanic. I'm at the combination NPC and quest mechanic.
Paul Czege
Raise the Dead for MOSAIC Strict
"You don't have to be still dead."
Paul Czege
You Are What You Eat, A Chargen System for MOSAIC Strict
Yeah, You're a Ghoul, but Only Occasionally, and No One Knows Anyway.
Paul Czege
Truth & Reason for MOSAIC Strict
A marriage of prompt-driven solo journaling and group-based TTRPG play.
Paul Czege
Spin the Battle for MOSAIC Strict
What if TTRPG battles were actually terrifying?
Paul Czege
The Magic of Names
a ttrpg magic system inspired by Ursula LeGuin
Thomas || New Madras
A character system module for MOSAIC strict
A MOSAIC Strict Fishing Trip
A modular fishing mini-game for RPGs
Wasteland of Enchantment Games
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