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Masks RPG
a collection by
Random Creation
· last updated
2024-12-24 21:59:52
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The Mastermind
a playbook for Masks
Alex Rinehart
The Hero Detective Agency
A fanmade playset for Masks: a new generation
Gamedev Adventurer
Masks: Retconned
An unauthorized demake of Brendan Conway's Masks: A New Generation
Sam Roberts
Adventures in Purva City
Setting guide for Purva, an Indian superhero setting for Masks
Illicit Peanuts
New Kidz on the Block
A third party supplement for Masks
Illicit Peanuts
Ribbons: A Setting Guide for Masks
Magical girls fighting evil and schoolwork.
Eva Terra
The Shifted: A Masks Playbook
A teen hero from an alternate reality
The Keeper: a Masks playbook
You're responsible, wise beyond your years, a protector... and not much else. That's healthy, right?
Ennis Rook Bashe
Masks: The Reforged
A Masks: A New Generation playbook built from self-definition, bodily autonomy and defiant joy.
The Core: A Masks Playbook
A Playbook for use with the Masks roleplaying game
The Fire In Your Heart
Masks: The New Generation re-skin themed around dancing.
Justin Joyce
The Chameleon
A Masks playbook about fitting in but not belonging.
The Liminal - Masks: A New Generation Playbook
A Masks: A New Generation Playbook about divided loyalties
Five Points Games
MASKS Tabletop Playbook: The Puppet
Play a hero whose sworn loyalty to a Dark Master.
MASKS Tabletop Playbook: The Lovebug
Play a hero whose powers depend on being likable.
MASKS Tabletop Playbook: The Wretched
Play a hero burdened with an Unfortunate Power.
The Persona - Masks: A New Generation Playbook
A Masks: A New Generation Playbook about hiding and living through trauma
Five Points Games
The Smith - Masks: A New Generation Playbook
A Masks: A New Generation Playbook about learning how to be comfortable not being perfect
Five Points Games
The Ranger - Masks: A New Generation Playbook
A Masks: A New Generation Playbook making new friends and finding yourself, also giant robots
Five Points Games
The Relief
A Masks playbook about that one hero who makes everyone else laugh so that they don't have to cry.
The Inheritor - Masks: A New Generation Playbook
A Masks: A New Generation Playbook about salvaging a legacy
Five Points Games
The Relic - Masks: A New Generation Playbook
A Masks: A New Generation Playbook about tradition and new cultures
Five Points Games
Masks: The Depowered & The Thief
Two custom playbooks centered around the loss and gain of superpowers.
Sam Scribbler
The Transfer - Masks: A New Generation Playbook
A Masks: A New Generation Playbook about learning one's true value
Five Points Games
The Forgotten
A Masks Playbook centered around the image of a hero with a forgotten past.
Masks: Dominon and Debauchery
Battle against Halcyon City's enemies both new and ancient in this custom adventure for Masks.
Sam Scribbler
The Destined (Masks Playbook)
A custom playbook for Masks, a remix of The Doomed that focuses on predestiny and agency
Dana Callista Lexa
The Royal - Masks: A New Generation Playbook
A Masks: A New Generation Playbook about familial expectations and finding oneself
Five Points Games
The Tactician - Masks: A New Generation Playbook
A Masks: A New Generation Playbook about not always having a plan
Five Points Games
Off The Sidelines
A Masks Supplemental Playset About Sidekicks
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