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Mothership Things
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· last updated
2024-01-12 20:54:49
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Crush Depth
Escape a collapsing maximum security prison deep below a methane ocean...
Nirvana on Fire: Expanded Edition
Save a dying colony from the fires of revolution in this DNA-melting mystery for the Mothership RPG.
Magnum Galaxy Games
Knights of Lazarus
A dangerous puzzle dungeon, a recurring galactic faction, and powerful xenotech artifacts for Mothership 1E.
Spicy Tuna RPG
RIMWISE - Dispatch 0003
Your Guide to Life in the Outer Rim!
Anxiety Wizard
Iron Tomb: A Mothership RPG Adventure
Dead doesn't mean gone
Am I Cool Yet?
Alternate Classes From the Hecate Sector
A set of alternate classes and tables for the Mothership RPG.
Joshua Justice
Role Playing
The Great Crossing Heresies
Stranded at Marcion's Abbey during a Storm, discover the monk's heresies. A 4-fold pamphlet adventure for Mothership RPG
High Water Everywhere
Survive the alien terrors lurking in Slate River, a creature-feature delta hexcrawl pamphlet for Mothership RPG.
Snag the Suit / Evac the Exec
A Company man is trying to escape TAMA-81. Will you Snag the Suit or Evac the Exec? A Mothership RPG pamphlet adventure.
In Other Waters: Tidebreak
Explore and study the oceanic world of Gliese 667Cc in this adventure for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG.
Lone Archivist
The Warren
A pamphlet adventure for the TTRPG Mothership
Rimbound Transmission 12: Moonlit Medicine
Astral Brews
Role Playing
Rimbound Transmission 11: Under the Dunes
Time Isn't On Your Side
Curse of the Hat Man: Compatible with the Mothership RPG
You're being hunted while on Shore Leave by the mysterious and deadly Hat Man. Can you survive the night?
Tim Obermueller
RETCON: Mothership RPG Scenario
A haunted hotel scenario for the Mothership ttrpg
Sleeping In A Drowning Stone
Soundtrack for Thousand Empty Light + bonus module
Alfred Valley
Arkady's Outpost
In bundle
A trading outpost and bounty mission for the Mothership RPG.
Joshua Justice
Role Playing
Familiar Faces Vol.1
An interconnected sandbox of 6 major NPCs and the satellite system they live in.
Spicy Tuna RPG
Role Playing
Rimbound Transmission 10: Cold Opening
Passengers 01 - Wendell
Eric Hill
The View at the End of Time
A Time Traveling Mission for the Mothership RPG
Octopus Ink Games
Thousand Miles From Home
A pamphlet dungeon for Gordinaak.
Mechs in the City
Mind Powers, Mechs and Mega-Cities for Mothership RPG
Guardian Angels
A pamphlet module compatible with the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game
Corporate Survival - Compatible with Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG
You are invited to this year's Dark Stone corporate retreat. Come for relaxation, stay for the team building exercises.
Molgannard Press
Rimbound Transmission 9: Under That Black Sky
People's Soil
In-world Mothership cult pamphlet
Eric Hill
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