Neat game with minimalistic style. Like watching bars fill and numbers increase? This game's for you 'cause that's basically the whole thing (not a bad thing, though! no lag! yipee old computers!)
Has rebirths, but haven't reached one yet personally. Can get extremely Hard later on and is worth keeping the tab pinned/opened so you can just grind one skill/job while you do otehr things. Magic doesn't pay well, but can probably get you to live longer, again, I ahven't gotten far.
Really fun game; alot of clicking and holding, so trackpad isn't reccomended.
Not much to do at teh start and is kind of a crawl to start off, but it ramps up pretty quickly if you know (or figure out what-) your doing. Gives the player a sort of 'mage POV' or 'Mage simulator' feel, in my opinion at least. Good game all-round.
Good implimentation of content, exiting, easy to get teh hang of it. Reminds me of The Binding Of Issac in the way each run has random encounters and events aswell as items [besides the first ones you get]