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Serious Sam Mods
a collection by
Dreamy Cecil
· last updated
2023-11-10 03:11:27
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Mods for classic Serious Sam games (primarily The Second Encounter v1.07).
World X 2 Fan Patches
Fan-made patches for the infamous Serious Sam and World X 2 mod by vanya109.
Dreamy Cecil
Advanced Multiplayer 2 Mod
A mod that adds extra options for multiplayer games including TFE map support and Coop support for Singleplayer maps.
Dreamy Cecil
A mod that consists out of many smaller mods and ideas, which give you chaotic experience when combined together.
Dreamy Cecil
Cecil's Bot Mod
Mod that adds Cooperative and Deathmatch player bots.
Dreamy Cecil
Serious Immersion: Half-Life 2
Mod that recreates Half-Life 2 atmosphere on Serious Engine 1.
Dreamy Cecil
Advanced Multiplayer Mod (2017)
A mod that adds a lot of multiplayer features and a Cooperative support for Singleplayer maps.
Dreamy Cecil
Crazy Mod (2012)
A restoration of one of my earliest mods from 2012 called "Crazy Mod".
Dreamy Cecil