You know what they say - three's an office.
I'd like to think my writing skills are a bit more refined than this.
A now-depreciated editing tool for creating multi-frame animations in Bitsy.
I lied.
Escape the Office. But shiny.
They took Jeff’s dog. Nobody takes Jeff’s dog. Except Jeff. On walks.
Twitter bots wouldn't be a bad way for the apocalypse to start.
Imagine a world where eggs could open carry.
"an adventure fit for hollywood" is what this once said. It rings true.
A poem about the stars
A tragedy of misunderstanding
An experiment in Bitsy multi-colour! No longer are we chained to the limits of two colour palettes!
The name is sufficient.
In hindsight, a lot of my Bitsy games have to do with things escaping/escaping things.
Bitsy no. 1. Started the global* phenomenon** Office series.
*Like, two countries
no, really