This collection has games that I enjoyed playing, and that I might play again!
You will also quickly find out that my vocabulary is very limited here.
Very simple to play, although I somehow still had trouble lol
Honestly, even with the warning, I STILL went "oh no!" When stuff started to go down.
Works mostly well on (mobile) browser, but it crashes sometimes.
Definitely a fun game. Each run is slightly different from eachother, not too easy to become boring, but not too difficult to make you want to give up either.
I really like the ending(s), too! They're fun.
Works well on (mobile) browser.
A fun, cute game, with likeable characters and a silly story.
I found it very relaxing to play this one, just doing some simple, understandable tasks that won't take all of your brain to complete.
I also like how your actions affect the ending! It's nice.
Works well on (mobile) browser.
Another silly, fun game to play.
I personally had some problems with the game accidentally resetting, but otherwise it was just a relaxing murder mystery, with puzzles that are simple enough to not stop you from continuing the game.
Works well on (mobile) browser.
Beautiful art, character design and voice acting! Like 😳😳
As far as I've played, the game works perfectly well and it isn't too overwhelming with it's contents, which is a problem I tend to have with visual novels and dating games.
Also, here's another emphasis on how much I like the art of this game. GOODNESS GRACIOUS, that is a art style I'd like to have! I absolutely love the colours, they're wonderful.
The app feels a bit slow sometimes, but there's no other noticeable problems.
Very simple and cute. I've had some problems with the mobile keyboard, but otherwise? It was perfectly fine!
Very simple, easy to understand game with a cute art style.
I had a hard time getting one of the endings, mainly because I didn't notice something hidden, but otherwise it was fun and relaxing to play this game.
And talking about the endings, some of them sure did surprise me! My god.
Works surprisingly well on (mobile) browser, although there were some tiny glitches here and there.
Fun game with cool looking monsters 😳, and it's surprisingly inclusive too!
There are some glitches (which we are warned about in the beginning of the game), and I have trouble understanding how some things works, but nothing too annoying to deal with.
The game is very glitchy on (mobile) browser, unfortunately, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the game's nice art and fun characters!
Fun, wholesome game with silly little tasks to complete! Very relaxing
I personally really like the palette on this one, specially since it's rare for a game like this to NOT hurt my eyes.
There are some glitches, but most of them can be easily fixed by going to another area and them coming back.
Works very well on (mobile) browser!