Games made by Jonathan Merrin, Nazlı Uzgur, Matt Martone
April 2023 (48 hours): First foray into 3D games.
Life Simulation
October 2022 (72 hours): Exploration of balancing a deckbuilder, adaptable card development, isometric layout, and 2D line art.
Deckbuilding Roguelike
February 2022 (3 weeks): A deeper dive into game development, pixel art animation, advanced platforming, and NPCs.
2D Platformer
October 2021 (48 hours): An exploration of 3D objects, shaders, and non-platformers.
2D Arcade
June 2021 (48 hours): First official game jam as a team.
2D platformer
April 2021 (48 hours): First foray into Unity-based game development as a team.
2D Arena Battler