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5e adventure
a collection by
· last updated
2024-01-18 18:26:28
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corpses & custards character creator
generate a walking shitpost in the form of a 5e character
blake stone / fenced forest
Interactive Fiction
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SCP – 5005 Lamplight One-shot TTRPG
4 Hour SCP-5005 inspired TTRPG One-Shot for three Players
Lair of the Maneaters
A short crypt-crawl for Best Left Buried.
Thom Strainge
Mystery in the Chicken Church - Level-4 D&D Adventure
What mysteries are hidden inside the Chicken Church?
Elven Tower Adventures
Blade of Fire - Level-5 D&D Adventure
Who can stop the Blade of Fire's wielder? A grim fate awaits to those who try!
Elven Tower Adventures
Rain of Fire - Level-4 D&D Adventure
Help the indigenous mountain creatures save their mountain!
Elven Tower Adventures
Krakore's Mirror - Level-3 D&D Adventure
What secrets hide behind the arcane Krakore's Mirror?
Elven Tower Adventures
Faith for Fools - Level-4 D&D Adventure (English and Spanish)
A foul sect of degenerate cultists has arisen! It is a faith for fools!
Elven Tower Adventures
The Strife and Saviors of Moon Drake Isle - A D&D 5e Homebrew Adventure
Crimson Quill
Dungeons and Dragons 5e New Player Tutorial Adventure
An introductory one session adventure to teach the basic mechanics of D&D
Gord Games
"The Harvest - 5e Adventure" Inspired Maps
Maps for use with Roll20 or similar platforms
The Festival of Reaptide: A 5e Adventure
A short 3rd - 4th level adventure for the fifth edition of the world’s greatest roleplaying game.
James Ridley
The Harvest - 5e Adventure
A 5e adventure for first level players. Spooky and autumnal.
J. A. Wildwood | OrbWitch