so...then again...woof...
this game is't mind if I do! *slurp*
alot of erotic stories
once a new gpu is acquired, deffinetly try this game out.
hot dragons are definitely my thing
a visual novel with hot men? Yes please
I do like rpg games, and i wouldn't mind keeping up on this
seems like a visual novel set in the past
I like the other games made by them, so I'll play
I like rpg games, so I'll try it out
I've read things like these before, so I'll try it
seems like an interesting rpg game to play
worth keeping up on. If not for the story, it would be good to analyze the art style
seems interesting enough to atleast read the beginning
I'm a suckered for good art, so I want to try this vn out to see if It's any good
so...yea this is just self explanatory
while magic is not exactly my favorite think when not in my rpg,I would still like to go over the game some time and see if it's any good
seems like an interesting game to keep up on, because it seems promising. The maker of the game is having some problems so it might not be updated for a while