C#; 4.8/5 (25) Released. 1.81 (59MB; 2023-02-01) fix~2wk.
Linux, Win, Mac.
Responsive dev. looks very promising.
Expanded content, ~1/2yr from announcement to release.
4.6/5 (23) In Development. (DemoBeta1.8 147MB 2023-11) ~3mo.
win,mac,linux (OpnGL3.2+)
"Merc Tactics is a squad-based tactical PC game, similar to games such as Jagged Alliance, or XCOM."
Unity Web Player. Prototype (2016-07)
Original was on Spectrum ZX.
User/acct. not uploading since 2016?
LÖVE. released. (2018 Jul 29) 6MB
windows, linux, mac
zx81. 5/5. 10 kB (Released 2013-10-31. Updated 2023-11-23)
collab. with original codebase and author!
Godot. Released (2021-10) Updated 1.1 (43MB; 2023-04)
HTML5, 5/5 (2)
Microvision emulation.
AdventureGameStudio; 5/5 (23) Released (V1.13a, 17MB. 2023-05)
"faithful to the 1978 version and based on the BASIC code published in the BASIC COMPUTER GAMES book"
Unity. In development. (0.106, 40MB 2022-06)
Initial burst of activity. Originally targeted ZX spectrum.
C64; 4/5(2). Released. (170kB 2024-01)
C64 (PAL and NTSC)
68000. released. (249kB 2024-01)
port of arcade.
Construct 3; 4.6/5(30) In development v11.7 (223MB; 2023-02-13) (~4d!)
PICO-8; 4.8/5 (51) Released v1.41 (3MB/138kB; 2023-02-06) (~1yr)
incl .p8 download.
Appears to have received an annual maintenance update.