A continuity originally made alongside StudioBlue, KV-Kingdom, Nova Kane, callmeDJ, mooglerampage, & Rose-Guardian. Nova and I primarily make new content for it.
The first game I did not supervise/overview entirely. There are only new outfits however in the fun little Easter Egg in this adventure.
Rainey and Lily were another couple I fought my damndest to be canon. Unlike Shiney and Titania though, Nova went with an approach meant to make hearts melt and pair well with a cute little golden retriever puppy and a pair of roses just in time for Valentine's Day.
Shiney and Titania were a couple I fought my damnedest to be canon with Nova about and I hope it pays off here! Oh yeah, and Dr. Mephistoph is here too I guess lmfao.
Friendly reminder to not try these stunts in your neighborhood. But also, this was the first of the 'F is for Fraud' inspired games.