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TTRPGs To-Play
a collection by
Merrilee Bufkin
· last updated
2024-10-26 02:40:00
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Rest in Pieces
A Fucked Up Little Man hack for Movie Monster lovers
Zee Ham
The Homecoming Collection 2014
4 strange tabletop roleplaying games.
Sisyphus Die
A Sisyphean game about Sisyphus
Stand Up
A Persona-inspired ttrpg.
Elena Murphy
One Page Left
Create a Killer, Escape the Mansion
M. Kirin
Ex Novo
A playable city-generator and map-making game.
Sharkbomb Studios
A GMless mini-zine game where you pit your troopers against alien invaders!
Lari Assmuth
Of Grub & Grain
Making meals is an adventure unto itself!
A Council of Cats
In bundle
Be Regal. Be Capricious. Be Divine.
Icy City Omnibus
Over 300 pages of 5E-focused adventures & supplements
Aaron King
In bundle
A game about telling tall tales of the high seas
Max Kämmerer (he/they)
Mission: Magic Brew
Will you collect all the ingredients to make a magic brew before the other apprentices do?
Lucky Newt Games
Can you find what you need and survive the wildfire?
Lucky Newt Games
Mission: Present Pursuit
When presents fall out of Santa's sleigh, can you avoid Krampus's pranks well enough to gather them back?
Lucky Newt Games
Mission: Bathroom Run
Can you navigate spooky shadows and scary noises to make it to the bathroom in the middle of the night?
Lucky Newt Games
I Went to the North Pole Once
Have you ever wanted to go to the North Pole? Now you and your friends can share stories of your misadventures!
Lucky Newt Games
Star Scouts
A coming-of-age romp-around-the-galaxy for 1-5 fledgling voyagers.
Aaron Goss
The Chthulucene Collectors
A game of making kin with rehomed tech
Therapeutic Blasphemy Games
Drink Up!
In bundle
Roll a die and act out the wild effect of your drink!
Beth and Angel Make Games
Theme Park After Dark
A Carta TTRPG about theme parks for 1-4 players
Ziva McPherson
A Weekend in the Country
A murder mystery for one or more players
Lari Assmuth
Off Recipe
a reflective cooking LARP for 1+ players
Backwoods Cartography
A bizarre, absurdist, system-neutral fantasy setting for TTRPGs