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Dagon's Fantasy
a collection by
Eduardo Scarpato
· last updated
2023-12-05 11:47:34
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Pumpkinhead Animations Pixel Art 2D
Animations: Idle, Walk, Spell 1, Spell 2, Damage(Hurt), Death
Eduardo Scarpato
Bat Animations Pixel Art 2D FREE
Animations: Flying, Attack, Hurt, Death, Sleeping. +6 Variations
Eduardo Scarpato
Knight Animations Pixel Art 2D
Animations: Idle, Walk, Run, Stab, Slash, Air Attack, Defense, Jumping, Falling, Wall Slide, Slide, Hurt, Death.
Eduardo Scarpato
Mage Animations Pixel Art 2D
Pixel Art Mage animated for your side-scrolling game
Eduardo Scarpato
Slime Animations Pixel Art 2D
Animations: Idle, Movement, Jump, Ranged Attack, Melle Attack, Damage (Hurt), Death
Eduardo Scarpato
Mimic Chest Animation Pixel Art 2D
Animations: Looking, Open Front, Transformation, Idle, Walk, Attack, Hurt, Death, Open Side. 2 Variations
Eduardo Scarpato
Goblin Animations Pixel Art 2D
Idle, Sit Idle, Walk, Run, Attack, Air Attack, Jump, Climbing, Wall Slide, Slide, Hurt and Death Animation. 2 Variations
Eduardo Scarpato
Mushroom Animations Pixel Art 2D
Sprout, Hide, Idle, Hop, MeleeAttack, Ranged Attack, Explosion, Hurt, Death
Eduardo Scarpato
Werewolf Animations Pixel Art 2D
17 Animations and 12 Unique Variations
Eduardo Scarpato
Skeleton Animation Pixel Art 2D
Normal, Warrior and Archer Skeletons with 3 color variations each
Eduardo Scarpato
Archer Animations Pixel Art 2D
Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Shooting, Attack, Air Shooting, Hurt, Death, Slide, Wall Slide
Eduardo Scarpato
Slime King Animations Pixel Art 2D
Idle, Hop, Attack, Hurt and Death Animations
Eduardo Scarpato
Toxic Frog Animations Pixel Art 2D FREE
Idle, Hop, Attack, Hurt, Explosion
Eduardo Scarpato
Forest Tileset [16x16] - Fantasy Pack
Pixel Art 16x16 Forest Tileset for Fantasy Characters by Dagon
Eduardo Scarpato
Dungeon Tileset [16x16] - Fantasy Pack
Pixel Art 16x16 Dungeon Tileset for Fantasy Characters by Dagon
Eduardo Scarpato
Jungle Tileset [16x16] - Fantasy Pack
Pixel Art 16x16 Jungle Tileset for Fantasy Characters by Dagon
Eduardo Scarpato
Desert Tileset [16x16] - Fantasy Pack
Pixel Art 16x16 Desert Tileset for Fantasy Characters by Dagon
Eduardo Scarpato
Snow Tileset [16x16] - Fantasy Pack
Pixel Art 16x16 Snow Tileset for Fantasy Characters by Dagon
Eduardo Scarpato
Graveyard Tileset [16x16] - Fantasy Pack
Pixel Art 16x16 Graveyard Tileset for Fantasy Characters by Dagon
Eduardo Scarpato
Weapon and Shields Items [16x16] - Fantasy Pack
More than 300 Weapons and Shields
Eduardo Scarpato
Traps - Fantasy Pack
17 Traps for Fantasy Pack
Eduardo Scarpato
Armor Items [16x16] - Fantasy Pack
More than 500 Armors
Eduardo Scarpato
Crafting Items [16x16] - Fantasy Pack
+ 30 Crafting Items with 3 Stroke Variations
Eduardo Scarpato