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a collection by
King Liutas
· last updated
2024-03-07 08:17:10
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Finding direction out of upheaval
Mitchell Daily
Butterfly Princesses Of The Swordlands
Everyone has magic and everyone is in line for the throne in this curling-based ttrpg.
Hell Holes
A fantasy golf dice game about escaping from Golf Hell through victory in a demonic golf tournament.
Our Innermost Thoughts
a mostly-solo zine of small RPGs
Travis D. Hill
The World is Ending and We Are Very Large Dogs
A Tabletop Game about Bringing Happiness at The End
Deep Nightly Fathoms
A game about exploring dark, dangerous dreamscapes
A lightweight planet-hopping table top role playing game
Chris P Wolf
Ink Transference
A play by mail game where you learn about humans and emotions
The Moon Wants Me To Leave You
a game about coming clean, working through it, and interference from the moon
Brandon O'Brien | Neon Robin Bard Games
Jonathan Frakes Wants Your Attention, And You Must Not Give It To Him
A game of being haunted by a vengeful spirit, in the form of the actor from Star Trek.
Jeff Stormer
A roleplaying game of melancholy horror
Sinister Beard Games
Chasing the Ace
A card-prompt storytelling game about mecha pilots caught in the shadow of their legendary squadron leader.
Ships That Pass
In bundle
A Game About Spaceships With Crushes On Each Other
Ash Can Games (And So Can You!)
Our Final Gathering: The Dreaded Reflections of the Immortal Soul
An RPG where the final immortals have gathered to fight to the last.. and to relive the past.
Ryan Boelter
The Steadfast and the Rebellious
In bundle
A storytelling RPG where you generate a city and its freedom fighters with a deck of cards
W.H. Arthur
The Reaper's Almanac
A letter writing game about embracing death and celebrating life.
Mitch Schiwal
Role Playing
A Response to the Esteemed Dr. Crackpot
A game of academic squabbles for two or more players
Emily Jankowski
When You Meet Your Doppelganger on the Road, You Must Make Out With Them
a game of intimate horror
Goat Song Publishing
An Altogether Different River
A GM-less storygame about returning home and grappling with what has changed
Million Dollar Soulmate
A two player game of romance and/or extreme disquiet
In Space, No One Can Hear You Feel
A GMless 2 player game to be played sitting next to your partner.
C A S S 1 N 1
A space exploration game for 2-4 players
Orizuru: a half-formed thing
A solo origami game about transforming into a beautiful bird
Marx of High Water
A ttrpg of tricksters, lessons & desires.
Kurt Potts
Breakup on Re-Entry
You just discovered your lover is secretly your mech-pilot rival!
Riverhouse Games