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· last updated
2024-05-24 14:32:38
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Pixel Art Creature Sprites - Livestock
In bundle
A collection of cute animated pixel art livestock to populate your farms.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Icon Sprites & Object Set - Fishing Gear
In bundle
A huge collection of fishing-related pixel art icons and environmental objects.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Icon Sprites & Object Set - Farming Crops #1
In bundle
6-stage growing crops for an RPG or farming sim.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Icon Sprites & Object Set - Alchemy Gear
In bundle
A bunch of potions and alchemical reagents for an RPG or adventure game.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Icon Sprites & Object Set - Livestock Accessories
In bundle
A collection of 16x16 icons and objects for decorating your farms and barns.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Object Set - Growable Trees
In bundle
Three unique trees in 4 stages of growth, each with six seasonal variations.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Icon Sprites & Object Set - Farming Crops #2
In bundle
More 6-stage growing crops for an RPG or farming sim.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Icon Sprites & Object Set - Smithing Gear
In bundle
A huge collection of 16x16 pixel art icons and objects for blacksmithing gear, and mining nodes, ores, and ingots.
Seliel the Shaper