My personal challenge to complete 12 Games in a year
This idea, this premise has a history. Made me almost quit game dev years ago. But I finally nailed it :D
Had fun iterating over a simple idea and trying to learn game design to make it fun
First foray into using physics as a mechanic. Created a bunch of physics based mechanics for this sandbox game. Created a story for the game too which is told via emails the player receives.
This was my first ever game jam and a team up. Learned lots of things.
I wanted to create a handcrafted puzzle game, while at the same time base it on another classic game. So I created this game where you control a snake to solve puzzles.
I enjoyed learning about Tetris in the last month so I tried to keep that going by remaking minesweeper with a twist. However, it ended up more like another similar game Mined Out! Improved my Godot skills, specially using the Tilemap.
Excellent game to start the challenge and start learning Godot. Did a deep dive into tetris mechanics and history along the way.