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2D character Art Assets to start your game off the right way. Perfect for platformers or metroidvania.
GB Studio Palette for Aseprite - v. 1.0
A aseprite extension with lospec Archer-a palettes for those who like, and dont wanna redownload each time. but for mac
Rotation tweening on Aseprite with a lua script​
A preview window for stacked sprites
Aseprite script that allows you to export your project to the CHR-ROM format, used by the NES/Famicon.
A extension that adds shortcuts to adjust hue, lightness ,saturation and shade of a selected color
Script for Aseprite/pico8
Copy the chosen color channel(s) of the active cel to a new layer
Bring life to sprite-based animations in Unity.
Easily choose beautiful colors for your palettes for Aseprite and others
A playing card theme for Aseprite
Simple script for Aseprite that swaps between pencil and eraser and matches their size.
Aseprite Animation Code Exporter for HaxeFlixel
A 2D/orthogonal 3D viewer for Aseprite files. Supports frames, layers, tags, and animation.
Flags layers with colors for Complete, In Progress and Not Started statuses for identifying work load easily
A k-means based downscaling algorithm with great results for pixel art
The palette maker for pixel artists
Run in browser
Flatten the layers in your sprite to a new separate layer
This tool help you quickly generate frames of sliding stuff.
A suite of new commands for a smoother pixel-art-game-making experience.
Predefined canvas sizes for Aseprite
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