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a collection by av_s · last updated 2024-09-22 23:25:33
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Added 50 days ago by av_s

fun! prequel to feedvid live. similar gameplay but on youtube. fun puzzles and a cool vibe, very short though

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Added 50 days ago by av_s

holy shit!! really fun! cool concept, spooky snuff film livestream. on twitch ig?? tos must be super lenient...

cool gameplay. the fact other people in chat were talking really added to it, especially the fact you could chat as well! they didn't answer me but oh well, i bet they're jerks anyway whatever...

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Added 50 days ago by av_s

my heartrate is still up GAHH!! really fun! very cool vibe, i liked the static-y security cam visuals. the fact that you actually had to use a caeser cipher and punch in the link online really elevated it for me. a good touch! the jumpscare on cam 2 really freaked me out, and the sound design was really unnerving.. i also liked the silly joke emails i thought those were fun

very short but effective! 

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Added 50 days ago by av_s


jesus christ this was so good. the visuals were so 2000's.. the chat logs made all the characters seem so endearing.. and the fact the developer(s) went through the effort to have 8 original songs?? just on there?? oh my GOD!!

the puzzles were fun and creative too, they made me feel so smart. and also the moment where liz appears in the game FREAKED. ME. OUT. so so unsettling and so so good.

the ending little.. monologue(?) from liz was so sad too.. not the most complex story but it worked and served to make that moment fucking gut-wrenching. 

my only gripe is the use of ai, but it was integrated so well i honestly couldn't point out the instances of it myself. i wouldn't have known if it wasn't disclosed on the game page and i adored the art direction, i just have a personal vendetta against ai. but it was used creatively and not for profit so i don't really have any ethical qualms. i'm just a big baby.

anyway i loved this sm more please thank you

Visual Novel
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Added 50 days ago by av_s

oh my god??? this feels like a much more pessimistic, but also more empathetic interpretation of the original play.. it's unrelenting in the bleakness of the entire situation, especially with the landlord stuff. antigone's dialogue is really good, portrays the anger and determination in a really compelling way. the final scene where she lays with her brother literally made me tear up. they deserved better!!! 

also the little epilogue by eurydice! great and unexpected addition. it took the care to depict her as a full, flawed person rather than just a... shock value prop in the original. got me a little teary as well. i like the music! wish it continued through dialogue, and i could've done with some more sound effects but that's me being incredibly nitpicky. overall a really cool interpretation!

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Added 52 days ago by av_s

cute i guess lol. super short, made for one of those 2-minute game jams. there's only one choice you make and that's to cut off your finger or stab your boss, neither are particularly interesting. very simple game. two-sentence horror story mf. cute pixel art and colors though!

Interactive Fiction
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Added 52 days ago by av_s

super short but effective! i liked the little fakeout it does when is says it's a "vocab horror game", that's cute. the framing of the entire game through the phone is a cool choice! especially as the vocab game starts breaking, and the increasingly threatening words. the sound design is great too, made me very paranoid.

also the start of my second play-through had a little fourthwall breaking line from the friend (who i do NOT trust). it makes me wonder if there are more easter eggs like that with further play-throughs? maybe it's a slow-burn and the gameplay gets fully meta, idk. but even just the one was good, short and sweet!  

edit: alright, the meta stuff does continue! i think it's only 3 cycles but I cant figure out how to get the good ending... oh well

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Added 52 days ago by av_s

okay WOW where do i even start???? well, for the first 10 play-throughs, i didn't actually know you could move... but the poetry kept me hooked! the computer spits up fragments of a larger body, which you never actually get to read in its entirety. there's plenty of grotesque, body-horrifying imagery that made my skin crawl. 

(i wonder if this was inspired by that one TMA episode? it's about being trapped in a computer, at least i think. the font also twitches like described in the podcast.)

when i (finally) realized you could move it elevated it even more! you're in a strange cityscape that looks like it was pulled straight from your dreams. the camera wobbles wildly as each movement you make lurches forward uncontrollably. it's a remarkably accurate depiction of walking while drunk, and it's frustratingly difficult to navigate (in a good way!). it nails what it's going for in such a unique way. i think this game is going to stick in my mind for a while.

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Added 52 days ago by av_s

cute! playtime was a little under an hour, though i didn't go back to play all the endings. the art is really nice, with gorgeous pixel art, adorable sprite-work, and a few digitally painted renderings of scenes. the environments were appropriately cozy, nostalgic, and unnerving. near the end, they veered into surrealism and nailed that weirdcore/liminal space vibe (including meat, which is always good).  

i didn't find the story to be super compelling. it was told in that vague-rpg-maker-style way, and i just slid off of it. it had some good scares and interesting ideas expanded on in a few philosophical tangents during dialogue, but felt a little under-baked. obviously a complex narrative is a lot to ask in a game as short as this, and i was really coming into it searching for some cool vibes which it definitely delivered on!