looks cute
very peculiar...
can't wait to try.
Has clueboard mechanics. Very curious to check it out.
Great sketch of a concept here.
Dude understands gd and art. Check his other games! Followed him. And his fella who made music. Decent stuff.
worth a shot. Some inspiration. Html version does not behave.
and this one should try. And other games from this studio. Following them.
Should try, shouldn't I?
Guess worth checking out
Also followed katy. Does a lot of cool stuff. Assets and colabs!
very curious, regardless the weird title
classic p&c, great art, Argentina.
"Procedural generation: Murder mystery scenarios with a new culprit and clues each time, every play-through is unique." Hmmm...
just fun's sake.
Prety clever
in dev, missing game thumbnail on the game page is confusing. Let's see what it develops into.
Great source of inspa ! Totally playing it .
And the guy : wrthofnino (neverplayed) - who plays the game - is great!!
downloaded for droid
love the style. Genius. Gotta give it a play.
doesn't really play on the phone.
interesting. Seams to be very creative. Are there other games like this? Or it's a "Reap"off, haha.
Desing is great.
And could be a good inspiration for case structures.
downloaded for droid...
Car mechanics?
Multiple playable chars, and good vn. Sounds promising.