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2024-09-24 02:45:58
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Fly From Montgomery: A LANCER Scenario
Mercenary scavengers undertaking a desperate heist in a world on the brink. For LL0 Lancer PCs.
Convoy Rush: A Sitrep for Lancer
A dynamic, vehicle-hopping sitrep to spice up your Lancer encounters!
OWACS Ender // Forseti Private Security
Cathedral of the Deadstar
An introductory mission for Lancer RPG
Katherine Stark
Lancer: Bleeding Hussars
Pilot Combat in Lancer the Mech RPG
Seventh Seal Games
Lancer: Shade of the Lighthouse
A mission of cosmic corruption for Lancer RPG
P.B. Cornylius
Rebranding: A LANCER Optional Rule
An optional rule designed to provide players greater customization options at LL0.
P.B. Cornylius
Salvage Union Quickstart PDF - Free
Leyline Press
Lancer: High Value Targets
Five bespoke combats, twice as many unique enemies, and special rules for powerful NPCs and their lackeys.
P.B. Cornylius
Sleeping Above A Stolen Crown
A snowbound adventure module for Lancer RPG
Pierce the Heavens
A worker liberation module powered by LANCER
Khepri Industrial Equipment - An Unofficial LANCER Expansion (Field Guide To Jovo Prelude)
An unofficial expansion for the LANCER game system
HORUS: Thy Hubris Manifest
Four paracausal alternate frames for the LANCER System
P.B. Cornylius
Burning Memories - A LANCER RPG Supplement
A Lancer RPG supplement, featuring eight new full mech licenses, a variant frame, and additional mech combat tags.
Field Guide to Suldan
A homebrew campaign guide and content supplement for Lancer, the mech RPG by Massif Press
The Karrakin Trade Baronies: a Lancer Setting
A Lancer RPG setting
Massif Press
Hard Wired Island
Retrofuture cyberpunk, inspired by 90s anime.
Weird Age Games
Operation Winter Scar
A narrative mission for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
Lifepath Generator
A tool to help you make more fleshed out characters.
LANCER Action Reference Sheet
Combat cheat-sheet for LANCER RPG.
Charge SRD
An SRD to make action packed RPGs with forward momentum.
Fari RPGs
In Golden Flame Act 1
Vex Werewolf
Lancer: Enhanced Combat
A Lancer RPG Supplement
Interpoint Station
Push SRD
A story-first, push-your-luck system for your games
Cezar Capacle
Lineage: Epoch Edition
Solo rpg of royal geneaology
Terk Mech & Tech - Lancer RPG Homebrew Expansion
An unofficial Big Four mechs expansion for Lancer RPG
A Visit To San Sibilia
In bundle
A solo journaling game about visiting an ever changing city
Siren's Song: A Mountain's Remorse
A dramatic mission for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
Isles of the Sea Kings
Bronze-age Ancient Greek inspired one-page hexcrawl + Blank Hex Map
Case Files, Vol. 1: Blood Moon
Short-Form Resources for Liminal Horror
A game of precarious spaces & interstellar war.
Jack Harrison
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